Refurbishment and re-purposing of Dan Breen House for Tipperary Youth and Further Education Training Centre


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Applications Details
Tipperary County Council
Refurbishment and re-purposing of Dan Breen House for Tipperary Youth and Further Education Training Centre
Refurbishment and re-purposing for training, educational and office use of the three storey Dan Breen House which sits centrally within the application site currently with an adjoining brick-built side extension. Works involve i. Refurbishment and minor alterations to the Protected Structure, Dan Breen House including installation of new windows and doors, building fabric upgrades for energy efficiency, building services installations, installation of a new lift which will access all floors, alteration of the current toilet layout and installation of new fully accessible toilets on the ground floor and first floor. The building has a gross internal area of 58m2 on the lower ground floor, 189m2 on the ground floor and 184m2 on the upper floor giving a gross internal area of 431m2. ii. Refurbishment and re-purposing for training and educational use of a single storey outbuilding of stone construction situated within a lower terrace area towards the south western boundary. Works involve installing roof structure and roof coverings, installing new windows and doors, building services installations and building fabric upgrades. The building has an internal area of 41m2. iii. Refurbishment and re-purposing for training and educational use of a two storey outbuilding situated along the western boundary. Works involve replacement roof structure and roof coverings, installing new windows and doors, building services installations and building fabric upgrades. The building has an internal area of 65m2 on the ground floor and 67m2 on the upper floor giving a gross internal area of 132m2. iv. Demolition of the single storey former Tipperary Town Library, single storey store/canteen building to the north of the library and replacement with a new single storey extension for flexible use with an internal area of 245m2. v. Demolition of the single storey red brick toilet block extension to the North of the two storey outbuilding at the rear of Dan Breen House and formation of a building services plant building situated along the north western boundary with a covered ‘loggia’ structure for outdoor activities, storage and cycle parking. vi. Development of a rear court yard surrounded by the new extension to the East, the new ‘loggia’ structure to the North, the existing two storey out building to the West and Dan Breen House to the South. vii. Construction of a new entrance hall that will link the existing Dan Breen House to the new extension and allow access to the rear court yard including construction of a new stepped arrangement for access to the lower level of Dan Breen House and the lower level single storey outbuilding. viii. Installation of photovoltaic solar panels to the flat roof of the new single storey plant building and ‘loggia’ structure to the North of Dan Breen House. ix. Landscaping enhancements throughout the site including installation of new edgings at junctions between hard and soft landscaping, asphalt surfacing to car park and access road, natural stone paving to the front of Dan Breen House, the new extension and the court yard along with installation of Nature Based Sustainable Urban Drainage Management systems to protect and enhance the existing mature trees and plants on site. x. Installation of low-level lighting to carpark, courtyard and walkways, up lighting to the mature trees, Dan Breen House and the buildings to the rear along with lighting within the columned frontages of the new extension and northern ‘loggia’ structure. xi. Provision of 10no. car parking spaces including 2no. accessible parking spaces in close proximity to the main building entrance, provision of EV charging points and short stay secure bicycle parking. xii. Development of a vehicle access security system at the vehicle entrance to the site.
Applications Address
Dan Breen House,
74 Davis Street,
Tipperary Town, Co Tipperary,
E34 YN72
RPS 118
Public Display
Civic Offices, Rosanna Road, Tipperary Town, Civic offices Clonmel, Civic Offices Nenagh
File NameDocument TypeDescriptionDownload
Resolution signed for Part 8 Proposed development of Dan Breen House.pdfResolution of the MembersMembers ResolutionDownload
Chief Executive's Report_Part 8 for Dan Breen Hse_March 2023.pdfChief Executives ReportChief Executives ReportDownload
20230202-22-Part8 an taisce sub.pdfReport Received from External BodyAn TaisceDownload
Submission (3).pdfSubmissionDownload
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AA screening Dan Breen House 2022_Amended.pdfAppropriate Assessment Screening ReportAA screening Dan Breen House 2022Download
DOECLG referral Form Dan Breen House.pdfReport Request Letter to External BodyDOECLG formDownload
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Planning Notice PART 8_Dan Breen House Youth & Further Ed Centre_Dec 2022.pdfNewspaper Noticenotice in Tipperary Star ans Nationalist Download
EIA Preliminary Screening.pdfOther AssessmentsEIA Preliminary ScreeningDownload
DBH_Drawing Issue Sheet (Version 2).pdfDrawings - GeneralIssue sheet Download
D.301_Section CCDD_Proposed.pdfSectionsSection CCDD_ProposedDownload
D.300_Section AABB_Proposed.pdfSectionsSection AABB_ProposedDownload
D.201_North & South Elevation_Proposed.pdfElevationsNorth & South Elevation_ProposedDownload
D.200_East & West Elevations_Proposed.pdfElevationsEast & West Elevations_ProposedDownload
D.117_Northern Edge Plan_Proposed.pdfDrawings - GeneralNorthern Edge Plan_ProposedDownload
D.116_Outbuilding Plans & Elevations_Proposed.pdfPlans, Sections, ElevationsOutbuilding Plans & Elevations_ProposedDownload
D.111_First Floor Roof Plan_Proposed.pdfFloor PlansFirst Floor Roof Plan_ProposedDownload
D.110_Lower Ground Ground Floor Plan_Proposed.pdfFloor PlansLower Ground Ground Floor Plan_ProposedDownload
D.105_Landscape Plan_Proposed.pdfLandscape PlansLandscape Plan_ProposedDownload
D.103_Site Plan_Proposed.pdfSite layout planSite Plan_ProposedDownload
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D.026_Outbuilding Plans & Elevations_Downtakings.pdfPlans, Sections, ElevationsOutbuilding Plans & Elevations_Demolition Download
D.025_Section CCDD_Downtakings.pdfSectionsSection CCDD_DemolitionDownload
D.024_Section AABB_Downtakings.pdfSectionsSection AABB_Demolition Download
D.023_North & South Elevation_Downtakings.pdfElevationsNorth & South Elevation demolitionDownload
D.022_East & West Elevations_Downtakings.pdfElevationsEast & West Elevations demolition in redDownload
D.021_First Floor Roof Plan_Downtakings.pdfFloor PlansFirst Floor Roof Plan_Demolition Download
D.020_Lower Ground Ground Floor Plan_Downtakings.pdfFloor PlansLower Ground Floor Plan demolition in redDownload
D.016_Outbuilding Plans & Elevations_Existing.pdfPlans, Sections, ElevationsOutbuilding Plans & Elevations_ExistingDownload
D.015_Section CCDD_Existing.pdfSectionsSection CCDD_ExistingDownload
D.014_Section AABB_Existing.pdfSectionsSection AABB_Existing.Download
D.013_North & South Elevation_Existing.pdfPlans, Sections, ElevationsNorth & South Elevation_ExistingDownload
D.012_East & West Elevations_Existing.pdfPlans, Sections, Elevations_East & West Elevations_ExistingDownload
D.011_First Floor Roof Plan_Existing.pdfPlans, Sections, ElevationsFirst Floor Roof Plan_ExistingDownload
D.010_Lower Ground Ground Floor Plan_Existing.pdfPlans, Sections, ElevationsLower Ground Ground Floor Plan_ExistingDownload
D.004_Site Plan_Downtakings.pdfSite layout planSite layout plan showing buildings/structures to be removedDownload
D.003_Site Plan_Existing.pdfSite layout planExisting Site layout planDownload
D.002_Site Context Plan_1500.pdfSite location mapSite Context 1:500Download
D.001_Location Plan_11000.pdfSite location mapSite location Map 1:1000Download