20 no housing units on Ballycummin Road, Raheen


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Applications Details
Limerick City and County Council
20 no housing units on Ballycummin Road, Raheen
The development will consist of the construction of a three to five storey building to include 20no residential units [2no 5-bed ground floor community units; 1no 1-bed ground floor unit; 9no 2-bed units and 8no 2-bed Universal Design units] to be accessed by a single stair and lift core; 1no community room (32sqm) at ground floor and all ancillary spaces. The site works consist provision of the removal of 13no public car spaces to Ballycurnmin Road, provision of a new vehicular entrance, 15no new car spaces, a new covered bin store, 30no bike spaces, connection to existing watermain and foul sewer and the provision of an underground attenuation tank. The development includes the provision of planting and associated landscape works.
Applications Address
Ballycummin Road
Public Display
Council Offices Merchant's Quay and Dooradoyle
File NameDocument TypeDescriptionDownload
PT8LL161 - Signed Mayors Report and Recommendation.pdfChief Executives ReportSigned Mayor's Report and Recommendation to proceedDownload
Submission from Charlie and Liz Hanrahan_Redacted.pdfSubmissionSubmission from Charlie and Liz HanrahanDownload
Limerick Pedestrian Network submission on Part VIII Residential Development at Ballycummin Road, Raheen.pdfSubmissionSubmission from Limerick Pedestrian NetworkDownload
Submission.pdfSubmissionFrom: Aengus Gorey in relation to PT8LL161Download
PT8LL161_Ballycummin_Active Travel.pdfReport Received from Internal StaffReferral response from Active TravelDownload
Submission from Ann and Gerry McNamara_Redacted.pdfSubmissionSubmission from Ann and Gerry McNamaraDownload
Submission from Liam and Antoinette Fitzgibbon.pdfSubmissionSubmission from Liam and Antoinette FitzgibbonDownload
Submission.pdfSubmissionFrom: Caroline Copley in relation to PT8LL161Download
Submission.pdfSubmissionFrom: Trish White in relation to PT8LL161Download
Submission.pdfSubmissionFrom: Thomas Gunning in relation to PT8LL161Download
Submission.pdfSubmissionFrom: Mary Murphy in relation to PT8LL161Download
Submission.pdfSubmissionFrom: Marion Bourke in relation to PT8LL161Download
Submission.pdfSubmissionFrom: EMMET SHIRE in relation to PT8LL161Download
Submission.pdfSubmissionFrom: Kathleen Gallagher in relation to PT8LL161Download
Submission from Jim Mulcair.pdfSubmissionSubmission from Jim MulcairDownload
Submission.pdfSubmissionFrom: Michael O Donnell in relation to PT8LL161Download
Submission from Ann Harkin_Redacted.pdfSubmissionSubmission from Ann HarkinDownload
Submission.pdfSubmissionFrom: Gerard Cooney in relation to PT8LL161Download
PT8LL161 Part 8 Conditions Roads.pdfReport Received from Internal StaffRoads ReportDownload
Part 8 Raheen Submission Stephen Cleary.pdfSubmissionSubmissionDownload
Safety Advice for working in the vicinity of Gas pipes 2021.pdfSubmissionGNI Safety Advice for working in the vicinity of Gas pipes 2021Download
GNI Code of Practice for Working in Vicinity of Tx Network 2021.pdfSubmissionGNI Code of Practice for Working in Vicinity of Tx NetworkDownload
4969_30102024162926.pdfSubmissionGNI DrawingDownload
Referral E-mail to GNI.pdfSubmissionGNI Submission E-mailDownload
part_8_raheen_submission_copy.pdfSubmissionSubmission Document From: Sarah Mulcahy in relation to PT8LL161Download
Submission.pdfSubmissionFrom: Barry Danaher in relation to PT8LL161Download
ballycummin_road_housing_submission.pdfSubmissionSubmission Document From: Tom Ryan in relation to PT8LL161Download
pt8ll161_-_part_8_-_limerick_.pdfSubmissionSubmission Document From: Uisce Eireann in relation to PT8LL161Download
Referral E-mail to GNI.pdfOther AssessmentsReferral E-mail to GNIDownload
PT8LL161 - DAU Sheet.pdfOther AssessmentsDAU Referral SheetDownload
Referral E-mail to DAU.pdfOther AssessmentsReferral E-mail to DAUDownload
Referral E-mail to Internal Sections.pdfOther AssessmentsReferral E-mail to Internal SectionsDownload
PT8LL161.pdfOther AssessmentsReferral SheetDownload
Part 8 Application Form.pdfApplication Form - Part ADownload
Newspaper Notice 12.10.24 edition LL.pdfNewspaper NoticeDownload
Site Notice.pdfSite NoticeDownload
11605-2007-Swept path analysis.pdfDrawings - GeneralSwept Path AnalysisDownload
11605-2006-Swept path analysis.pdfDrawings - GeneralSwept Path AnalysisDownload
11605-2004-Proposed Roads Layout.pdfOther AssessmentsProposed Roads LayoutDownload
11605_P0 - Raheen Limerick TTA.pdfOther AssessmentsTraffic and Transportation AssessmentDownload
2301 RSH Cover Letter.pdfOther AssessmentsCover LetterDownload
Drawing Register 2024.10.07.pdfOther AssessmentsDrawing RegisterDownload
EIA Screening Report - Ballycummin Road - August 2024 V2.pdfOther AssessmentsEnvironmental Impact Assessment Screening ReportDownload
AA Screening Report - Ballycummin Road - August 2024 with attachments V2.pdfAppropriate Assessment Screening ReportDownload
LHR-B1PF4LED50 - Spec.pdfOther AssessmentsLighting SpecifictionDownload
ASD Lighting - HWD-B4LED0870-S1 Datasheet.pdfOther AssessmentsLighting Data SheetDownload
23.2516 Utility Report.pdfOther AssessmentsUtiltiy ReportDownload
23.2516 Relux Lighitng Calculation.pdfOther AssessmentsRelux Lighting CalculationDownload
23.2516 P-E300_EIR Ducting-A1.pdfDrawings - GeneralEir DuctingDownload
23.2516 P-E200_ESB Ducting-A1.pdfDrawings - GeneralES DuctingDownload
23.2516 P-E100_Site Lighting-A1.pdfDrawings - GeneralSite LightingDownload
23.2516 Climate - Scheme Sustainibility Statement - ( M&E Services ).pdfOther AssessmentsScheme Sustainability StatementDownload
11605-2105-Site Development Details.pdfDrawings - GeneralSite Development DetailsDownload
11605-2104-Site Development Details.pdfDrawings - GeneralSite Development DetailsDownload
11605-2103-Standard Pipe Bedding Details.pdfDrawings - GeneralStandard Pipe Bedding DetailsDownload
11605-2102-Standard Manhole Details.pdfDrawings - GeneralStandrd Manhole DetailsDownload
11605-2101-Standard Manhole Details.pdfDrawings - GeneralStandard Manhole DetailsDownload
11605-2003-Proposed Watermain Layout.pdfDrawings - GeneralProposed Watermain LayoutDownload
11605-2002-Proposed Foul Services.pdfDrawings - GeneralProposed Foul ServicesDownload
11605-2001-Proposed Stormwater Layout.pdfDrawings - GeneralProposed Stormwater LayoutDownload
11605-2000-Site Location Map.pdfSite location mapDownload
11605 - DMURS Report.pdfOther AssessmentsDMURS ReportDownload
11605 - Civil Works Design Report.pdfOther AssessmentsCivil Works Design ReportDownload
RSH-MGNE-XX-PL-DR-A-402-PROPOSED CORE LAYOUT.pdfDrawings - GeneralProposed Core LayoutDownload
RSH-MGNE-XX-PL-DR-A-401-PROPOSED APT LAYOUTS (SHEET 2).pdfDrawings - GeneralProposed Apartment Layouts Sheet 2Download
RSH-MGNE-XX-PL-DR-A-400-PROPOSED APT LAYOUTS (SHEET 1).pdfDrawings - GeneralProposed Apartment Layouts Sheet 1Download
RSH-MGNE-XX-PL-DR-A-301-PROPOSED SECTION C-C D-D.pdfDrawings - GeneralProposed Sections C-C D-DDownload
RSH-MGNE-XX-PL-DR-A-300-PROPOSED SECTION A-A B-B.pdfDrawings - GeneralProposed Section A-A B-BDownload
RSH-MGNE-XX-PL-DR-A-211-PROPOSED CONTEXTUAL ELEVATION.pdfDrawings - GeneralProposed Contextual ElevationDownload
RSH-MGNE-XX-PL-DR-A-210-PROPOSED CONTEXTUAL ELEVATION.pdfDrawings - GeneralProposed Contextual ElevationDownload
RSH-MGNE-XX-PL-DR-A-203-PROPOSED WEST ELEVATION.pdfDrawings - GeneralProposed West ElevationDownload
RSH-MGNE-XX-PL-DR-A-202-PROPOSED SOUTH ELEVATION.pdfDrawings - GeneralProposed South ElevationDownload
RSH-MGNE-XX-PL-DR-A-201-PROPOSED EAST ELEVATION.pdfDrawings - GeneralProposed East ElevationDownload
RSH-MGNE-XX-PL-DR-A-200-PROPOSED NORTH ELEVATION.pdfDrawings - GeneralProposed North ElevationDownload
RSH-MGNE-XX-PL-DR-A-105-PROPOSED ROOF FLOOR.pdfDrawings - GeneralProposed Roof FloorDownload
RSH-MGNE-XX-PL-DR-A-104-PROPOSED FOURTH FLOOR.pdfDrawings - GeneralProposed Fourth FloorDownload
RSH-MGNE-XX-PL-DR-A-103-PROPOSED THIRD FLOOR.pdfDrawings - GeneralProposed Third FloorDownload
RSH-MGNE-XX-PL-DR-A-102-PROPOSED SECOND FLOOR.pdfDrawings - GeneralProposed Second FloorDownload
RSH-MGNE-XX-PL-DR-A-101-PROPOSED FIRST FLOOR.pdfDrawings - GeneralProposed First FloorDownload
RSH-MGNE-XX-PL-DR-A-100A-PROPOSED GROUND FLOOR.pdfDrawings - GeneralProposed Ground FloorDownload
RSH-MGNE-XX-PL-DR-A-010A-PROPOSED SITE PLAN_ROOF PLAN.pdfDrawings - GeneralProposed Site Plan Roof PlanDownload
RSH-MGNE-XX-PL-DR-A-005-EXISTING CONTEXTUAL ELEVATION.pdfDrawings - GeneralExisting Contextual ElevationDownload
RSH-MGNE-XX-PL-DR-A-004-EXISTING CONTEXTUAL ELEVATION.pdfDrawings - GeneralExisting COntextual ElevationDownload
RSH-MGNE-XX-PL-DR-A-003-EXISTING GPR SURVEY.pdfDrawings - GeneralExisting GPR SurveyDownload
RSH-MGNE-XX-PL-DR-A-002-EXISTING SITE PLAN.pdfDrawings - GeneralExisting Site PlanDownload
RSH-MGNE-XX-PL-SH-A-0001_Drawing Register.pdfOther AssessmentsDrawings RegisterDownload
RSH-MGNE-XX-PL-DR-A-001A-Site Location Plan.pdfSite location mapDownload
2301 RSH ADS 20241003.pdfOther AssessmentsRaheen Social Housing Architectural Design StatementDownload