Newtowngore Housing Development: Ref. 24-C-003


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Applications Details
Leitrim County Council
Newtowngore Housing Development: Ref. 24-C-003
Construction of 7 no. residential units which comprises of (a) Type A- 2 no. two storey 3 bed semi detached houses (b.) Type B - 3 no. two storey 3 bed terraced houses. (c.) Type C – 2 no. single storey 2 bed semidetached houses.; and connections to existing public watermain, sewer and surface water drainage services and all ancillary and associated site development works at Mullyaster, Newtowngore, Co. Leitrim.
Applications Address
Co. Leitrim
Public Display
Planning Department County Building Leitrim County Council Carrick on Shannon Co Leitrim
File NameDocument TypeDescriptionDownload
Notification of Decision Letter.pdfNotification of Decision Letter to third partiesNotification of Decision to SubmittersDownload
24-C-003 - Newtowngore Housing Development - Chief Executive's Report Part 8.pdfChief Executives ReportCE report approved at Ballinamore MD meeting 6th June 2024Download
23-C-03 - Submission - Redacted.pdfSubmissionSubmission received 18/04/2024Download
leitrim_part_8_2024-c-003.pdfSubmissionSubmission Document From: Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage_PART_8 in relation to PT8LM97Download
ue_response_24-c-03.pdfSubmissionSubmission Document From: Uisce Eireann in relation to PT8LM97Download
Referral DAU 5.3.24.pdfReport Request Letter to External BodyDAUDownload
Referral - Prescribed Bodies 5.3.24.pdfReport Request Letter to External BodyDownload
2a. Newtowngore Newspaper notice.pdfNewspaper NoticeNewspaper Notice as printed Leitrim Observer 28th Feb2024Download
24. Part 8 Privacy Statement Newtowngore Housing Development (2).pdfOther AssessmentsDownload
23. EIA Screening Determination_Newtowngore Residential Development.pdfEIARDownload
22. AA Screening Determination - Proposed Part 8 Residential Scheme Newtowngore.pdfAppropriate Assessment Screening ReportDownload
1. Newtowngore Briefing Report.pdfOther AssessmentsDownload
2. Part 8 Newtowngore Newspaper Advertisment.pdfNewspaper NoticeDownload
3. Part 8 Newtowngore Site Notice.pdfSite NoticeDownload
4. Site Location map.pdfSite location mapDownload
5. Existing Site Layout.pdfSite layout planDownload
6. Site Layout and landscaping.pdfLandscape PlansDownload
7. Site Services Layout.pdfSite layout planDownload
8. Site Services Layout Watermains.pdfWater Supply PlansDownload
9 .House Type A.pdfPlans, Sections, ElevationsDownload
10. House Type B.pdfPlans, Sections, ElevationsDownload
11. House Type C.pdfPlans, Sections, ElevationsDownload
12. Boundary Treatment plan.pdfOther Personal InformationDownload
13. Engineering Services Report.pdfOther AssessmentsDownload
14. Flood Risk - Newtowngore.pdfOther AssessmentsDownload
15. Newtowngore AA - Habitat.pdfAppropriate Assessment Screening ReportDownload
16. EIAR Screening - Newtowngore.pdfEIARDownload
17. Archaeological Screening Report - Mullyaster Newtowngore Leitrim.pdfArchaeology ReportDownload
18. Newtowngore Invasive Species Report.pdfOther AssessmentsDownload
19. Tree Survey Newtowngore - Proposed.pdfOther AssessmentsDownload
20. Tree Survey Newtowngore Existing.pdfOther AssessmentsDownload
21. Tree Survey Report.pdfOther AssessmentsDownload