Construction of a Lawn Cemetery & Associated Works at Fethard


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Applications Details
Tipperary County Council
Construction of a Lawn Cemetery & Associated Works at Fethard
The construction of a multi-denominational Cemetery which shall be enclosed by masonry boundary walls on all sides and include the following: Main (front) Gate & Disability Access Gate; Car park to the front; flexible material cemetery access roads; Access paths to Irish Wheelchair Association Guidelines; Central Reflection Area with seating & planting; Columbarium Walls; Utility Shed & WC; The proposed development (total of 997 grave plots; 2-burials per plot) shall be constructed over 3 Phases i.e. Ph.1- 522 Plots; Ph.2- 435 Plots; Ph.3- 40 Plots. Phase 1: Construction of:- Cemetery Boundary Walls & Gates; provision of 33 No space Cemetery car-park inclusive of 3 Disabled parking spaces & 3 ‘Age Friendly’ spaces to front of burial plot Sections; provision: 522 grave plots; access roads & paths; headstone foundation beams; Central Reflection Area; Provision of ‘Steeltech’ Utility Shed & WC; Waste Soil/Grass Collection Area; Phase 2 & 3: Provision of: 435 No plots (Ph.2) and 40 No plots (Ph.3) Sections; 4 No Columbarium Walls; associated infrastructure; All to be constructed on an ‘as the need arises’ basis. Associated Site Works shall consist of: • Removal of 88.5m of existing hedgerow fronting adjoining agricultural lands to the north of the Cemetery and replacing with TII: CC-SCO-00321 (Timber Post & Tension Mesh Fencing) as per 'Farm Entrance & Hedge-Removal Agreement 19.08.2022' between Council and Landowner in order to facilitate sightline requirements. • Provision of landscaping works & seating to burial ground and associated areas. • Provision of drainage facilities: surface water & foul sewage, and water supply connection. • Installation of Cemetery public lighting scheme (installed on an ‘as the need arises’ basis).
Applications Address
Killenaule Road (Fethard TD)
Clonmel, Co. Tipperary
Public Display
Civic Offices, Carrick on Suir, Clonmel and Nenagh
File NameDocument TypeDescriptionDownload
4.3._Resolution_Fethard Lawn Cemetery 2023_PTTT9.pdfResolution of the MembersResolution Download
signed.pdfChief Executives ReportChief Executives ReportDownload
25 1006-01 (Rev 2) Site Location.pdfSite location mapsite location mapDownload
17 1001-01 (Rev 4) Site Layout & Landscaping.pdfSite layout plansite layoutDownload
23 1004-01 (Rev 2) Entrance Location & Sightlines.pdfRoad Layout Planentrance detailsDownload
22 1003-01 (Rev 3) Topographic Survey.pdfDrawings - Generaltopographical surevyDownload
18 1001-02 (Rev 3) Typical Elevations.pdfElevationstypical elevationsDownload
19 1001-03 (Rev 3) Typical Cross Sections.pdfSectionscross sectionDownload
20 1001-04 - Long Section A-A.pdfSectionsa-a sectionDownload
21 1002-01 (Rev 5) Drainage & Services.pdfDrainage Network DrawingsdrainageDownload
24 1005-01 (Rev 2) Construction Details.pdfDrawings - Generalconstruction detailsDownload
26 1008-01 - (Rev 2) - Car Park & Cemetery Road Layout.pdfPlans, Sections, Elevationsgeneral layoutDownload
27 1008-02 - (Rev 1) - Cemetery Road - Long Section.pdfSectionssection of roadDownload
29 TII - Filter Drain CC-SCD-00520-03.pdfDrawings - Generaldrain filterDownload
30 TII - Steel Field Gate CC-SCD-00309.pdfDrawings - Generalsteel gateDownload
31 TII - Timber Post & Tension Mesh Fencing CC-SCD-00321.pdfDrawings - Generaltimber fenceDownload
cover letter.pdfApplication - Cover Lettercover letterDownload
16 Public Lighting Abacus Columns.pdfOther Assessmentslighting columnsDownload
15 Public Light BGP291 Lumistreet Spec_.pdfOther Assessmentslight spectippDownload
13 Fethard Hydrology Report Rev A.pdfOther Assessmentshydrology reportDownload
11 Fethard V6 BG Planning Engineering Report.pdfOther Assessmentsengineering reportDownload
08 659-5 Fethard AIA Final QMP 070223.pdfArchaeology Reportarchaeology reportDownload
07 Final INIS 1429_Fethard BG Ecol & AA screening.pdfOther Assessmentsecology reportDownload
09 Fethard Lawn Cemetary_EIA Screening Report_Feb 2023.pdfOther Assessmentsreport 2023Download
10 HABITATS DIRECTIVE AA & EIA Prelim Exam - Fethard BG, Signed.pdfAppropriate Assessment Screening ReportAA and EIAR screeningDownload
paper.pdfNewspaper NoticepaperDownload
04 Fethard BG Newspaper Notice PART 8 02.03.2023.pdfSite NoticenoticeDownload