2024-C-006 Aghoo Bridge Underpass


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Applications Details
Leitrim County Council
2024-C-006 Aghoo Bridge Underpass
Leitrim County Council in partnership with Waterways Ireland proposes to carry out the following works at Aghoo, Ballinamore, County Leitrim:- 1. Installation of a pedestrian underpass on the R204 adjacent to Aghoo bridge. This underpass will tie into the existing canal trails either side of the R204. 2. Installation of safety barriers along the R204 at the approaches to Aghoo bridge. The proposed development by Leitrim County Council is a significant amendment to the previously approved Part 8 development, ref. P20/C/05 which included the construction of a pedestrian walkway within the arch of the existing bridge.
Applications Address
Co. Leitrim
Public Display
Planning Office, Leitrim County Council, Aras An Chontae, Carrick on Shannon N41 PF67
File NameDocument TypeDescriptionDownload
Chief Executives Report_Aghoo Bridge Underpass.pdfChief Executives ReportApproved by Elected Members Ballinamore MD meeting 22/07/2024Download
18. Flood Risk Assessment.pdfOther AssessmentsDownload
17. Bat Survey.pdfOther AssessmentsDownload
16. Ecological Impact Assessment Report.pdfOther AssessmentsDownload
15. Appropriate Assessment Screening Determination.pdfAppropriate Assessment Screening ReportDownload
14. Appropriate Assessment Screening Report.pdfAppropriate Assessment Screening ReportDownload
13. Environmental Impat Assessment Screening Determination.pdfEIARDownload
12. Environmental Impat Assessment Screening Report.pdfEIARDownload
11. Newspaper Notice.pdfNewspaper NoticeDownload
10. Site Notice.pdfSite NoticeDownload
9. Site Access Map.pdfSite location mapDownload
8. Drainage Details.pdfDrainage Network DrawingsDownload
7. Proposed Culvert and Walls Plans, Sections and Details.pdfPlans, Sections, ElevationsDownload
6. Proposed Road Sections and Build Up Details.pdfSectionsDownload
5. Cross Section and Profile View.pdfSectionsDownload
4. Site Layout Map.pdfSite layout planDownload
3. Exitsing Layout of Aghoo Bridge.pdfPlans, Sections, ElevationsDownload
2. Site Location Map.pdfSite location mapDownload
1. Aghoo Pedestrian Underpass - Supporting Document.pdfOther AssessmentsDownload