Improvement works to the Tipperary Hills Recreation and Amenity Area


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Applications Details
Tipperary County Council
Improvement works to the Tipperary Hills Recreation and Amenity Area
General development throughout the site includes the upgrading of all existing tarmac pathways to a minimum width of 2 metres, upgrading existing gravel paths to bound gravel paths, development of new seating areas, development of the Peace Path, upgrade of all existing seating, installation of information and wayfinding signage, construction of a dog exercise area, introduction of native woodland planting and specimen trees along with native wildflower meadows in selected locations throughout the amenity area and reorganisation of the existing carpark area. Localised developments include: Access Lane – St Patrick’s Avenue to St John’s Famine Graveyard a) Widening to 2.75m and refurbishment of tarmac pathway between St Patrick’s Avenue entrance and entrance to St John’s Famine Graveyard to facilitate hearse access. b) Introduction of safety guard rail to north edge of pathway c) Introduction of bicycle parking at St Patrick’s Avenue entrance d) Introduction of an information sign at St Patrick’s Avenue entrance Clanwilliam Rugby Club e) Upgrading of existing pathway to bound gravel pathway, 1.2m wide along east and north boundary of Clanwilliam Rugby Club Pitch and Putt Clubhouse f) Realign existing pathway to improve width and gradient to facilitate accessibility g) Construction of new steps with safety handrail h) Introduction of timber knee rail to south-western edge of pathway to limit access to pitch and putt greens i) Relocation of existing signage j) Introduction of seating k) Landscaping and planting on both sides of pathway Flat Hollow Playing Pitch l) Levelling and reseeding of the playing pitch m) Introduction of natural seating area with bound gravel surface n) Realignment of existing pathway to improve width and gradient to facilitate accessibility o) Construction of new concrete steps with handrail p) Landscaping, specimen tree planting and perennial planting Bohercrow/Monastery Road q) Improved pedestrian access to The Hills including new style entrance, new concrete steps, safety handrails and resurfacing to pathway r) Demolition and reconstruction of boundary stone wall from the Mass Path to the car park entrance to facilitate the introduction of new 2m wide footpath. ‘The Hollow’ Area of Tipperary Hills s) Introduction of timber knee rail edge at western and northern edge of pathway t) Introduction of information sign ‘Cup and Saucer’ Area of Tipperary Hills u) Introduction of timber steps with handrails to provide safe access to the top of ‘Cup and Saucer’ v) Introduction of bound gravel path to circumference of top of ‘Cup and Saucer’ w) Installation of 2 log seats Telecoms Mast x) Introduction of localised network of bound gravel paths and seating to the south of the mast y) Introduction of areas of native woodland planting Dog Exercise Area z) Development of fenced dog exercise area with 2 gates and bound gravel surface to the west of ‘The Hollow’
Applications Address
Tipperary Hills
Tipperary Town
Co. Tipperary (townland of Murgasty)
Public Display
Tipperary County Council, Civic Offices, Emmet Street., Clonmel, Co. Tipperary, E91N512• Tipperary-Cahir-Cashel Municipal District Offices, Rosanna Road, Tipperary Town, Co. Tipperary, E34 WD51• Tipperary County Council, Civic Offices, Limerick Road, Nena
File NameDocument TypeDescriptionDownload
TCC MD Signed Tipperary Hills resolution.pdfResolution of the MembersMD meeting Download
Signed copy of CE Report - Tipperary Hills.pdfChief Executives Reportreport on proposed development Download
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20230410_1601520981.pdfSubmissionSubmission DocumentDownload
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0139_03_00171_N24C2LJ Project Team Observations.pdfSubmissionSubmissionDownload
2023-02-15_Ecological Report_Final.pdfOther AssessmentsEcological reportDownload
AA Screening.pdfAppropriate Assessment Screening ReportAA screeningDownload
EIA Preliminary Examination Tipperary Hills.pdfOther AssessmentsEIA Preliminary screeningDownload
DOECLG referral form Tipp Hills.pdfReport Request Letter to External BodyDOECLG formDownload
P528-107_Planting Plan.pdfDrawings - Generalplanting planDownload
P528-106_Planting Details.pdfDrawings - Generalplanting details Download
P528-104_Detail Sheet 2 of 2.pdfDrawings - Generalsheet 2 of 2Download
P528-103 Detail Sheet 1 of 2.pdfDrawings - Generalsheet 1 of 2 Download
P528-105_Detail Sheet Overview.pdfDrawings - GeneraloverviewDownload
P528-101_Existing Situation Plan.pdfSite layout planexisting site layout Download
P528-102_Landscape Plan.pdfSite layout planproposed layout inc landscapingDownload
P528-108_Site Notice Overview.pdfSite location mapsite location map showing noticesDownload
612-3 Tipperary Hills AIA Final 140223.pdfArchaeology ReportArchaeology ReportDownload
2023-02-17_Tipperary Hills_DesignStatement_Final.pdfOther AssessmentsDesign statement Download
Signed Site Notice.pdfSite Noticesite noticeDownload
copy of paper.pdfNewspaper NoticeTipperary Star and NationalistDownload