New Civic Offices


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Applications Details
Monaghan County Council
New Civic Offices
Due to a technical difficulty, this Part 8 PT8MN70 will be readvertised. Monaghan County Council hereby gives notice that it proposes to carry out development on a site which forms part of the ‘Roosky Lands’, located to the north-east (rear) of Dublin Street, west of Monaghan Harps GAA Club and south-west of St Davnet’s Hospital, in the Townlands of Roosky and Tirkeenan, Monaghan Town, Co. Monaghan. A protected structure (RPS No. 41001248) is listed at the site, being the possible Site of a Fort. The proposed development will consist of the following: i Construction of a new civic office building consisting of: a. office accommodation with a cumulative gross floor area (GFA) of 5,601 sq.m distributed over 3 floors incorporating entrance foyer, office spaces, meeting rooms, staff canteen, Council chamber, public counter and reception desk, welfare facilities, internal landscaped courtyards and supporting spaces; b. external plant enclosure and single storey ESB substation and storage room at ground level; and c. covered services enclosure at ground level containing waste store room, plant, water tanks, UPS room, power distribution and supply rooms, and fire escape. ii. Surface car parking spaces and drop-off area. iii. Bicycle parking spaces. iv. Improvement works to existing road infrastructure and the provision of pedestrian, cycle and vehicular links comprising: a. extension (approx. 120m in length) to existing vehicular route on Slí Ógie Uí Dhufaigh along the route of the existing Ulster Canal Greenway; b. realignment of portion of the existing greenway; c. construction of a priority junction on existing roadway serving Roosky Vale at the interface with the extended Slí Ogie Uí Dhufaigh; d. provision of a new 13m clear span bridge over the River Shambles; e. provision of new combined vehicular/pedestrian link, ‘Quarry Walk’ (approx. 460m in length) comprising a 5.5m vehicular carriageway, two-way cycle track, footpaths, and roadside SuDs swale; f. provision of a replacement vehicular access to Monaghan Harps GAA club and associated pedestrian links; g. upgrade of existing pedestrian route (Davnet’s Row) to Diamond Centre; and h. upgrades to the existing Infirmary Hill Path to improve link to Old Cross Square. v. Works to facilitate potential future pedestrian and cyclist connections to the adjoining Diamond Centre and the existing public right of way known locally as ‘Pump Entry’. vi. Signage is to be erected consisting of: a. Wayfinding signage at 4 locations; to the south-west at Davnet's Row Plaza, to the south along Davnet's Row, to the east at the junction between Infirmary Road and Davnet's Row and at the proposed entrance on Infirmary Road. b. Building identity signage comprising 2.1m x 2.1m backlit logo panels on the north-east and south-west facades at building entry points and will include 300mm high text to read Monaghan County Council. vii. Provision of surface water attenuation, diversion of existing watermain infrastructure and provision of new surface water, foul and watermain infrastructure. viii. Associated earthworks, utilities, landscaping, boundary treatments, lighting, roof-mounted solar PV on the civic office building and all ancillary site development works.
Applications Address
Roosky and Tirkeenan,
Monaghan Town
Co Monaghan
Public Display
Planning Section, No.1 Dublin Street, Monaghan H18 X982
File NameDocument TypeDescriptionDownload
monaghan_pt8mn70.pdfSubmissionSubmission Document From: Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage_PART_8 in relation to PT8MN70Download
pt8mn70_monaghancoco_civic_offices_etc_roskey_monaghan.pdfSubmissionSubmission Document From: Inland Fisheries Ireland Inland Fisheries Ireland in relation to PT8MN70Download
VIEW 1.pdfPhotosDownload
DBFL Issue Record P3_0 (revised).pdfDrawings - GeneralDownload
220084-RY-93-Z00-XXX-DR-DBFL-CE-1401-P3_0-Watermain Layout.pdfWater Supply PlansDownload
220084-RY-91-Z00-XXX-DR-DBFL-CE-1300-P3_0-Surface Water Catchment Plan.pdfDrainage Network DrawingsDownload
220084-RY-05-Z00-XXX-DR-DBFL-CE-5303-P3_0-SuDS Typical Details.pdfDrainage Network DrawingsDownload
220084-RY-05-Z00-XXX-DR-DBFL-CE-5304-P3_0-Attenuation Details.pdfDrainage Network DrawingsDownload
MCC-CORA-ZZ-ZZ-DR-C-0018 - SOAKAWAY DETAILS.pdfDrainage Network DrawingsDownload
MCC-CORA-ZZ-ZZ-DR-C-0017 - ATTENUATION TANK DETAILS - SHEET 2.pdfDrainage Network DrawingsDownload
MCC-CORA-ZZ-ZZ-DR-C-0016 - ATTENUATION TANK DETAILS - SHEET 1.pdfDrainage Network DrawingsDownload
MCC-CORA-ZZ-ZZ-DR-C-0004 - SURFACE WATER.pdfSewer Network DrawingsDownload
Civic Offices Newspaper Notice.pdfNewspaper NoticeDownload
MCC-CORA-ZZ-ZZ-DR-C-0011 - STANDARD DRAINAGE DETAILS SHEET 1.pdfDrainage Network DrawingsDownload
Project 24665-Monaghan Town Sites WCR Reports (1).pdfOther AssessmentsDownload
IGSL Project 24665 - Report Site 2 Monaghan Active Travel Roadway ( DBFL ) (1).pdfOther AssessmentsDownload
IGSL Project 24665 - Report Site 1 Monaghan Civic Centre Site ( CORA ) (1).pdfOther AssessmentsDownload
2223 - Engineering Services Report - Nov 2023 Issue No.3 (Complete)-171-177.pdfOther AssessmentsDownload
2223 - Engineering Services Report - Nov 2023 Issue No.3 (Complete)-161-170.pdfOther AssessmentsDownload
2223 - Engineering Services Report - Nov 2023 Issue No.3 (Complete)-151-160.pdfOther AssessmentsDownload
2223 - Engineering Services Report - Nov 2023 Issue No.3 (Complete)-141-150.pdfOther AssessmentsDownload
2223 - Engineering Services Report - Nov 2023 Issue No.3 (Complete)-131-140.pdfOther AssessmentsDownload
2223 - Engineering Services Report - Nov 2023 Issue No.3 (Complete)-121-130.pdfOther AssessmentsDownload
2223 - Engineering Services Report - Nov 2023 Issue No.3 (Complete)-111-120.pdfOther AssessmentsDownload
2223 - Engineering Services Report - Nov 2023 Issue No.3 (Complete)-101-110.pdfOther AssessmentsDownload
2223 - Engineering Services Report - Nov 2023 Issue No.3 (Complete)-091-100.pdfOther AssessmentsDownload
2223 - Engineering Services Report - Nov 2023 Issue No.3 (Complete)-081-090.pdfOther AssessmentsDownload
2223 - Engineering Services Report - Nov 2023 Issue No.3 (Complete)-071-080.pdfOther AssessmentsDownload
2223 - Engineering Services Report - Nov 2023 Issue No.3 (Complete)-061-070.pdfOther AssessmentsDownload
2223 - Engineering Services Report - Nov 2023 Issue No.3 (Complete)-051-060.pdfOther AssessmentsDownload
2223 - Engineering Services Report - Nov 2023 Issue No.3 (Complete)-041-050.pdfOther AssessmentsDownload
2223 - Engineering Services Report - Nov 2023 Issue No.3 (Complete)-031-040.pdfOther AssessmentsDownload
2223 - Engineering Services Report - Nov 2023 Issue No.3 (Complete)-021-030.pdfOther AssessmentsDownload
2223 - Engineering Services Report - Nov 2023 Issue No.3 (Complete)-011-020-06-10.pdfOther AssessmentsDownload
2223 - Engineering Services Report - Nov 2023 Issue No.3 (Complete)-011-020-01-05-5.pdfOther AssessmentsDownload
2223 - Engineering Services Report - Nov 2023 Issue No.3 (Complete)-011-020-01-05-4.pdfOther AssessmentsDownload
2223 - Engineering Services Report - Nov 2023 Issue No.3 (Complete)-011-020-01-05-3.pdfOther AssessmentsDownload
2223 - Engineering Services Report - Nov 2023 Issue No.3 (Complete)-011-020-01-05-2.pdfOther AssessmentsDownload
2223 - Engineering Services Report - Nov 2023 Issue No.3 (Complete)-011-020-01-05-1.pdfOther AssessmentsDownload
2223 - Engineering Services Report - Nov 2023 Issue No.3 (Complete)-001-010.pdfOther AssessmentsDownload
95 1026 MCC Civic Offices - Architectural Design Statement REV A (Reduced)-61-68.pdfOther AssessmentsDownload
95 1026 MCC Civic Offices - Architectural Design Statement REV A (Reduced)-41-60-19-20.pdfOther AssessmentsDownload
95 1026 MCC Civic Offices - Architectural Design Statement REV A (Reduced)-41-60-17-18.pdfOther AssessmentsDownload
95 1026 MCC Civic Offices - Architectural Design Statement REV A (Reduced)-41-60-15-16.pdfOther AssessmentsDownload
95 1026 MCC Civic Offices - Architectural Design Statement REV A (Reduced)-41-60-13-14.pdfOther AssessmentsDownload
95 1026 MCC Civic Offices - Architectural Design Statement REV A (Reduced)-41-60-11-12.pdfOther AssessmentsDownload
95 1026 MCC Civic Offices - Architectural Design Statement REV A (Reduced)-41-60-09-10.pdfOther AssessmentsDownload
95 1026 MCC Civic Offices - Architectural Design Statement REV A (Reduced)-41-60-07-08.pdfOther AssessmentsDownload
95 1026 MCC Civic Offices - Architectural Design Statement REV A (Reduced)-41-60-05-06.pdfOther AssessmentsDownload
95 1026 MCC Civic Offices - Architectural Design Statement REV A (Reduced)-41-60-03-04.pdfOther AssessmentsDownload
95 1026 MCC Civic Offices - Architectural Design Statement REV A (Reduced)-41-60-01-02.pdfOther AssessmentsDownload
95 1026 MCC Civic Offices - Architectural Design Statement REV A (Reduced)-21-40.pdfOther AssessmentsDownload
95 1026 MCC Civic Offices - Architectural Design Statement REV A (Reduced)-01-20.pdfOther AssessmentsDownload
220084-RY-00-Z00-XXX-RP-DBFL-CE-0001-P3_0-Infrastructure Design Report...-146-149.pdfOther AssessmentsDownload
220084-RY-00-Z00-XXX-RP-DBFL-CE-0001-P3_0-Infrastructure Design Report...-141-145.pdfOther AssessmentsDownload
220084-RY-00-Z00-XXX-RP-DBFL-CE-0001-P3_0-Infrastructure Design Report...-136-140.pdfOther AssessmentsDownload
220084-RY-00-Z00-XXX-RP-DBFL-CE-0001-P3_0-Infrastructure Design Report...-131-135.pdfOther AssessmentsDownload
220084-RY-00-Z00-XXX-RP-DBFL-CE-0001-P3_0-Infrastructure Design Report...-126-130.pdfOther AssessmentsDownload
220084-RY-00-Z00-XXX-RP-DBFL-CE-0001-P3_0-Infrastructure Design Report...-121-125.pdfOther AssessmentsDownload
220084-RY-00-Z00-XXX-RP-DBFL-CE-0001-P3_0-Infrastructure Design Report...-116-120.pdfOther AssessmentsDownload
220084-RY-00-Z00-XXX-RP-DBFL-CE-0001-P3_0-Infrastructure Design Report...-111-115.pdfOther AssessmentsDownload
220084-RY-00-Z00-XXX-RP-DBFL-CE-0001-P3_0-Infrastructure Design Report...-106-110.pdfOther AssessmentsDownload
220084-RY-00-Z00-XXX-RP-DBFL-CE-0001-P3_0-Infrastructure Design Report...-101-105.pdfOther AssessmentsDownload
220084-RY-00-Z00-XXX-RP-DBFL-CE-0001-P3_0-Infrastructure Design Report...-096-100-5.pdfOther AssessmentsDownload
220084-RY-00-Z00-XXX-RP-DBFL-CE-0001-P3_0-Infrastructure Design Report...-096-100-4.pdfOther AssessmentsDownload
220084-RY-00-Z00-XXX-RP-DBFL-CE-0001-P3_0-Infrastructure Design Report...-096-100-3.pdfOther AssessmentsDownload
220084-RY-00-Z00-XXX-RP-DBFL-CE-0001-P3_0-Infrastructure Design Report...-096-100-2.pdfOther AssessmentsDownload
220084-RY-00-Z00-XXX-RP-DBFL-CE-0001-P3_0-Infrastructure Design Report...-096-100-1.pdfOther AssessmentsDownload
220084-RY-00-Z00-XXX-RP-DBFL-CE-0001-P3_0-Infrastructure Design Report...-091-095.pdfOther AssessmentsDownload
220084-RY-00-Z00-XXX-RP-DBFL-CE-0001-P3_0-Infrastructure Design Report...-086-090.pdfOther AssessmentsDownload
220084-RY-00-Z00-XXX-RP-DBFL-CE-0001-P3_0-Infrastructure Design Report...-081-085.pdfOther AssessmentsDownload
220084-RY-00-Z00-XXX-RP-DBFL-CE-0001-P3_0-Infrastructure Design Report...-076-080.pdfOther AssessmentsDownload
220084-RY-00-Z00-XXX-RP-DBFL-CE-0001-P3_0-Infrastructure Design Report...-071-075.pdfOther AssessmentsDownload
220084-RY-00-Z00-XXX-RP-DBFL-CE-0001-P3_0-Infrastructure Design Report...-066-070.pdfOther AssessmentsDownload
220084-RY-00-Z00-XXX-RP-DBFL-CE-0001-P3_0-Infrastructure Design Report...-061-065.pdfOther AssessmentsDownload
220084-RY-00-Z00-XXX-RP-DBFL-CE-0001-P3_0-Infrastructure Design Report...-056-060.pdfOther AssessmentsDownload
220084-RY-00-Z00-XXX-RP-DBFL-CE-0001-P3_0-Infrastructure Design Report...-051-055.pdfOther AssessmentsDownload
220084-RY-00-Z00-XXX-RP-DBFL-CE-0001-P3_0-Infrastructure Design Report...-046-050.pdfOther AssessmentsDownload
220084-RY-00-Z00-XXX-RP-DBFL-CE-0001-P3_0-Infrastructure Design Report...-041-045.pdfOther AssessmentsDownload
220084-RY-00-Z00-XXX-RP-DBFL-CE-0001-P3_0-Infrastructure Design Report...-036-040.pdfOther AssessmentsDownload
220084-RY-00-Z00-XXX-RP-DBFL-CE-0001-P3_0-Infrastructure Design Report...-031-035.pdfOther AssessmentsDownload
220084-RY-00-Z00-XXX-RP-DBFL-CE-0001-P3_0-Infrastructure Design Report...-026-030.pdfOther AssessmentsDownload
220084-RY-00-Z00-XXX-RP-DBFL-CE-0001-P3_0-Infrastructure Design Report...-021-025.pdfOther AssessmentsDownload
220084-RY-00-Z00-XXX-RP-DBFL-CE-0001-P3_0-Infrastructure Design Report...-016-020.pdfOther AssessmentsDownload
220084-RY-00-Z00-XXX-RP-DBFL-CE-0001-P3_0-Infrastructure Design Report...-011-015.pdfOther AssessmentsDownload
220084-RY-00-Z00-XXX-RP-DBFL-CE-0001-P3_0-Infrastructure Design Report...-006-010.pdfOther AssessmentsDownload
220084-RY-00-Z00-XXX-RP-DBFL-CE-0001-P3_0-Infrastructure Design Report...-001-005.pdfOther AssessmentsDownload
Project 24665-Monaghan Town Sites WCR Reports.pdfOther AssessmentsDownload
IGSL Project 24665 - Report Site 2 Monaghan Active Travel Roadway ( DBFL ).pdfOther AssessmentsDownload
IGSL Project 24665 - Report Site 1 Monaghan Civic Centre Site ( CORA ).pdfOther AssessmentsDownload
20231107_MCC Civic Offices_TVS_Appendix C Sections.pdfOther AssessmentsDownload
20231107_MCC Civic Offices_Town & Visual Statement.pdfOther AssessmentsDownload
006_01-C MCC Civic Offices_Photomontages-25-26.pdfPhoto MontageDownload
006_01-C MCC Civic Offices_Photomontages-23-24.pdfPhoto MontageDownload
006_01-C MCC Civic Offices_Photomontages-21-22.pdfPhoto MontageDownload
006_01-C MCC Civic Offices_Photomontages-19-20.pdfPhoto MontageDownload
006_01-C MCC Civic Offices_Photomontages-17-18.pdfPhoto MontageDownload
006_01-C MCC Civic Offices_Photomontages-15-16.pdfPhoto MontageDownload
006_01-C MCC Civic Offices_Photomontages-13-14.pdfPhoto MontageDownload
006_01-C MCC Civic Offices_Photomontages-11-12.pdfPhoto MontageDownload
006_01-C MCC Civic Offices_Photomontages-09-10.pdfPhoto MontageDownload
006_01-C MCC Civic Offices_Photomontages-07-08.pdfPhoto MontageDownload
006_01-C MCC Civic Offices_Photomontages-05-06.pdfPhoto MontageDownload
006_01-C MCC Civic Offices_Photomontages-03-04.pdfPhoto MontageDownload
006_01-C MCC Civic Offices_Photomontages-01-02.pdfPhoto MontageDownload
1524 703 Landscape Sections 3 of 3.pdfLandscape PlansDownload
1524 702 Landscape Sections 2 of 3.pdfLandscape PlansDownload
1524 701 Landscape Sections 1 of 3 (1).pdfLandscape PlansDownload
1524 102 Landscape Layout 3 of 3.pdfLandscape PlansDownload
1524 101 Landscape Layout 2 of 3.pdfLandscape PlansDownload
1524 100 Landscape Layout 1 of 3.pdfLandscape PlansDownload
1524 X01 Landscape Design Statement-26-27.pdfOther AssessmentsDownload
1524 X01 Landscape Design Statement-21-25.pdfOther AssessmentsDownload
1524 X01 Landscape Design Statement-16-20.pdfOther AssessmentsDownload
1524 X01 Landscape Design Statement-11-15-5.pdfOther AssessmentsDownload
1524 X01 Landscape Design Statement-11-15-4.pdfOther AssessmentsDownload
1524 X01 Landscape Design Statement-11-15-3.pdfOther AssessmentsDownload
1524 X01 Landscape Design Statement-11-15-2.pdfOther AssessmentsDownload
1524 X01 Landscape Design Statement-11-15-1.pdfOther AssessmentsDownload
1524 X01 Landscape Design Statement-06-10-5.pdfOther AssessmentsDownload
1524 X01 Landscape Design Statement-06-10-4.pdfOther AssessmentsDownload
1524 X01 Landscape Design Statement-06-10-3.pdfOther AssessmentsDownload
1524 X01 Landscape Design Statement-06-10-2.pdfOther AssessmentsDownload
1524 X01 Landscape Design Statement-06-10-1.pdfOther AssessmentsDownload
1524 X01 Landscape Design Statement-01-05.pdfOther AssessmentsDownload
EcIA Roosky Rev C BF 23-11-23.pdfOther AssessmentsDownload
Appropriate Assesssment Screening Roosky Draft Rev D BF 5.12.23.pdfAppropriate Assessment Screening ReportDownload
Site Notice (3).pdfSite NoticeDownload
PN_231128_Press Notice.pdfNewspaper NoticeDownload
Planning Statement (2).pdfOther AssessmentsDownload
EIA Screening Report.pdfOther AssessmentsDownload
Cover Letter.pdfOther AssessmentsDownload
17125-MCC-RP-S0-P1-10_DSOR - Daylight Analysis.pdfOther AssessmentsDownload
2221-M&E Drawing-Document Issue Register-Planning.pdfDrawings - GeneralDownload
2221-E1002 - Proposed ESB Layout.pdfDrawings - GeneralDownload
2221-E1001 - Existing ESB Layout.pdfDrawings - GeneralDownload
2221-E1000 - External Lighting.pdfDrawings - GeneralDownload
2221 Lighting Impact Assessment P-01.pdfOther AssessmentsDownload
2221 - MCC Civic Offices - TGD Part L (NZEB) 2022 - Buildings Other than Dwellings Compliance Check - Rev02 23-11-2023.pdfOther AssessmentsDownload
4991_esb 2.pdfDrawings - GeneralDownload
4991_esb 1.pdfDrawings - GeneralDownload
MCC-XX-ZZ-DR-HJL-AR-2001B_PROPOSED CONTIGUOUS ELEVATIONS.pdfPlans, Sections, ElevationsDownload
MCC-XX-ZZ-DR-HJL-AR-2001A_PROPOSED CONTIGUOUS ELEVATIONS.pdfPlans, Sections, ElevationsDownload
MCC-XX-ZZ-DR-HJL-AR-2000B_PROPOSED CONTIGUOUS ELEVATIONS.pdfPlans, Sections, ElevationsDownload
MCC-XX-ZZ-DR-HJL-AR-2000A_PROPOSED CONTIGUOUS ELEVATIONS.pdfPlans, Sections, ElevationsDownload
MCC-XX-RL-DR-HJL-AR-1012_PROPOSED ROOF PLAN.pdfPlans, Sections, ElevationsDownload
MCC-XX-RL-DR-HJL-AR-0012_PROPOSED SITE LAYOUT PLAN (3 OF 3).pdfSite layout planDownload
MCC-XX-RL-DR-HJL-AR-0011_PROPOSED SITE LAYOUT PLAN (2 0F 3).pdfSite layout planDownload
MCC-XX-RL-DR-HJL-AR-0010_PROPOSED SITE LAYOUT PLAN (1 OF 3).pdfSite layout planDownload
MCC-XX-00-DR-HJL-AR-0006_EXISTING SITE LAYOUT PLAN (3 OF 3).pdfSite layout planDownload
MCC-XX-00-DR-HJL-AR-0005_EXISTING SITE LAYOUT PLAN (2 OF 3).pdfSite layout planDownload
MCC-XX-00-DR-HJL-AR-0004_EXISTING SITE LAYOUT PLAN(1 OF 3).pdfSite layout planDownload
MCC-XX-00-DR-HJL-AR-0003_SITE LOCATION MAP (3 OF 3).pdfSite location mapDownload
MCC-XX-00-DR-HJL-AR-0002_SITE LOCATION MAP (2 OF 3).pdfSite location mapDownload
MCC-XX-00-DR-HJL-AR-0001_SITE LOCATION MAP (1 OF 3).pdfSite location mapDownload
MCCO-X-XXX-SH-HJL-AR-0000_DRAWING ISSUE SHEET.pdfDrawings - GeneralDownload
220084-RY-93-Z00-XXX-DR-DBFL-CE-3401-P3_0-Watermain Long Section.pdfSectionsDownload
220084-RY-90-X-XXX-RP-DBFL-CE-0003-P3_0-Traffic & Transport Assessment Report.pdfTraffic Impact ReportsDownload
220084-RY-05-Z00-XXX-DR-DBFL-CE-5302-P3_0-Typical Drainage Details Sheet 2.pdfDrainage Network DrawingsDownload
220084-RY-05-Z00-XXX-DR-DBFL-CE-5301-P3_0-Typical Drainage Details Sheet 1.pdfDrainage Network DrawingsDownload
220084-RY-05-Z00-XXX-DR-DBFL-CE-3311-P3_0-Foul Water Long Section Sheet 1.pdfSectionsDownload
220084-RY-05-Z00-XXX-DR-DBFL-CE-3302-P3_0-Surface Water Long Section Sheet 2.pdfSectionsDownload
220084-RY-05-Z00-XXX-DR-DBFL-CE-3301-P3_0-Surface Water Long Section Sheet 1.pdfSectionsDownload
220084-RY-05-Z00-XXX-DR-DBFL-CE-1302-P3_0-Drainage Layout Sheet 2.pdfDrainage Network DrawingsDownload
220084-RY-05-Z00-XXX-DR-DBFL-CE-1301-P3_0-Drainage Layout Sheet 1.pdfDrainage Network DrawingsDownload
220084-RY-04-Z00-XXX-DR-DBFL-CE-5203-P3_0-Construction Details Sheet 3.pdfDrawings - GeneralDownload
220084-RY-04-Z00-XXX-DR-DBFL-CE-5202-P3_0-Construction Details Sheet 2.pdfDrawings - GeneralDownload
220084-RY-04-Z00-XXX-DR-DBFL-CE-5201-P3_0-Construction Details Sheet 1.pdfDrawings - GeneralDownload
220084-RY-04-Z00-XXX-DR-DBFL-CE-3223-P3_0-Davnets Row Cross Section Sheet 3.pdfSectionsDownload
220084-RY-04-Z00-XXX-DR-DBFL-CE-3222-P3_0-Davnets Row Cross Section Sheet 2.pdfSectionsDownload
220084-RY-04-Z00-XXX-DR-DBFL-CE-3221-P3_0-Davnets Row Cross Section Sheet 1.pdfSectionsDownload
220084-RY-04-Z00-XXX-DR-DBFL-CE-3216-P3_0-Quarry Walk Cross Section Sheet 6.pdfSectionsDownload
220084-RY-04-Z00-XXX-DR-DBFL-CE-3215-P3_0-Quarry Walk Cross Section Sheet 5.pdfSectionsDownload
220084-RY-04-Z00-XXX-DR-DBFL-CE-3214-P3_0-Quarry Walk Cross Section Sheet 4.pdfSectionsDownload
220084-RY-04-Z00-XXX-DR-DBFL-CE-3213-P3_0-Quarry Walk Cross Section Sheet 3.pdfSectionsDownload
220084-RY-04-Z00-XXX-DR-DBFL-CE-3212-P3_0-Quarry Walk Cross Section Sheet 2.pdfSectionsDownload
220084-RY-04-Z00-XXX-DR-DBFL-CE-3211-P3_0-Quarry Walk Cross Section Sheet 1.pdfSectionsDownload
220084-RY-04-Z00-XXX-DR-DBFL-CE-3203-P3_0-Davnets Row Long Section.pdfSectionsDownload
220084-RY-04-Z00-XXX-DR-DBFL-CE-3202-P3_0-Quarry Walk Long Section Sheet 2.pdfSectionsDownload
220084-RY-04-Z00-XXX-DR-DBFL-CE-3201-P3_0-Quarry Walk Long Section Sheet 1.pdfSectionsDownload
220084-RY-04-Z00-XXX-DR-DBFL-CE-1202-P3_0-General arrangement sheet 2 of 2.pdfDrawings - GeneralDownload
220084-RY-04-Z00-XXX-DR-DBFL-CE-1201-P3_0-General arrangement sheet 1 of 2.pdfDrawings - GeneralDownload
220084-RY-04-Z00-XXX-DR-DBFL-CE-1200-P3_0-General arrangement Overview.pdfDrawings - GeneralDownload
220084-RY-02-Z00-XXX-DR-DBFL-CE-5001-P3_0-Water Crossing Details.pdfDrawings - GeneralDownload
220084-RY-00-Z00-XXX-RP-DBFL-CE-0002-P3_0-Construction & Environmental Management Plan Report.pdfOther AssessmentsDownload
MCC-XX-RL-RG-CORA-CE-0001-Civil Drawing Register.pdfDrawings - GeneralDownload
MCC-CORA-ZZ-ZZ-DR-C-2301 - FOUL LONGSECTIONS.pdfSectionsDownload
MCC-CORA-ZZ-ZZ-DR-C-1001 - SITE SECTIONS.pdfSectionsDownload
MCC-CORA-ZZ-ZZ-DR-C-0015 - STANDARD DRAINAGE DETAILS SHEET 5.pdfDrainage Network DrawingsDownload
MCC-CORA-ZZ-ZZ-DR-C-0014 - STANDARD DRAINAGE DETAILS SHEET 4.pdfDrainage Network DrawingsDownload
MCC-CORA-ZZ-ZZ-DR-C-0013 - STANDARD DRAINAGE DETAILS SHEET 3.pdfDrainage Network DrawingsDownload
MCC-CORA-ZZ-ZZ-DR-C-0012 - STANDARD DRAINAGE DETAILS SHEET 2.pdfDrainage Network DrawingsDownload
MCC-CORA-ZZ-ZZ-DR-C-0008 - DETAILS.pdfDrawings - GeneralDownload
MCC-CORA-ZZ-ZZ-DR-C-0007 - OVERALL FOUL.pdfSewer Network DrawingsDownload
MCC-CORA-ZZ-ZZ-DR-C-0006 - COMBINED.pdfDrawings - GeneralDownload
MCC-CORA-ZZ-ZZ-DR-C-0005 - WATERMAIN.pdfWater Supply PlansDownload
MCC-CORA-ZZ-ZZ-DR-C-0003 - FOUL SEWER.pdfSewer Network DrawingsDownload
MCC-CORA-ZZ-ZZ-DR-C-0002 - OVERALL SITE PLAN.pdfDrawings - GeneralDownload
MCC-CORA-ZZ-ZZ-DR-C-0001 - SITE LOCATION PLAN.pdfSite location mapDownload
237501.0427WMR02 Operational Waste Managment Plan.pdfOther AssessmentsDownload
237501.0427WMR01 Resourse Waste Management Plan.pdfOther AssessmentsDownload
227501.0427NT04a (Planning Report for Noise) Final 30_11_2023.pdfOther AssessmentsDownload
Roosky Lands Monaghan Tree Report.pdfOther AssessmentsDownload
Monaghan Civic Offices Arb Impact Statement.pdfOther AssessmentsDownload
Archaeological architectural and cultural heritage assessment Monaghan Civic Offices Final 22112023.pdfArchaeology ReportDownload