Ballybay Market House


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Applications Details
Monaghan County Council
Ballybay Market House
The Architectural Conservation & Refurbishment of the Protected Structure Ballybay Market House to a Public Library and Community Space to include a new rear and side extensions, landscaping works to the front and all ancillary works in the townland of Cornamucklaglass, Ballybay, Co. Monaghan.
Applications Address
Co. Monaghan
Public Display
1 Dublin Street, Monaghan Town
File NameDocument TypeDescriptionDownload
monaghan_pt8mn182.pdfSubmissionSubmission Document From: Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage_PART_8 in relation to PT8MN182Download
Newspaper Notice.pdfNewspaper NoticeDownload
PART 8 EIA Screening Ballybay Market House Library.pdfOther AssessmentsDownload
PART 8 AA Screening Ballybay Market House Library.pdfAppropriate Assessment Screening ReportDownload
1.1.1 BALLYBAY MARKET HOUSE - 3D Images.pdfDrawings - GeneralDownload
1.1.1 BALLYBAY MARKET HOUSE - Attic Plan.pdfDrawings - GeneralDownload
1.1.1 BALLYBAY MARKET HOUSE - Elevations - Demolition.pdfElevationsDownload
1.1.1 BALLYBAY MARKET HOUSE - Elevations - Existing.pdfElevationsDownload
1.1.1 BALLYBAY MARKET HOUSE - Elevations - Proposed.pdfElevationsDownload
1.1.1 BALLYBAY MARKET HOUSE - First Floor Plan - Demolition.pdfFloor PlansDownload
1.1.1 BALLYBAY MARKET HOUSE - First Floor Plan - Existing.pdfFloor PlansDownload
1.1.1 BALLYBAY MARKET HOUSE - First Floor Plan - Proposed.pdfFloor PlansDownload
1.1.1 BALLYBAY MARKET HOUSE - Ground Floor Plan - Demolition.pdfFloor PlansDownload
1.1.1 BALLYBAY MARKET HOUSE - Ground Floor Plan - Existing.pdfFloor PlansDownload
1.1.1 BALLYBAY MARKET HOUSE - Ground Floor Plan - Proposed.pdfFloor PlansDownload
1.1.1 BALLYBAY MARKET HOUSE - Proposed Site Layout - Ground Floor.pdfFloor PlansDownload
1.1.1 BALLYBAY MARKET HOUSE - Proposed Site Layout Plan.pdfSite layout planDownload
1.1.1 BALLYBAY MARKET HOUSE - Roof Plan.pdfDrawings - GeneralDownload
1.1.1 BALLYBAY MARKET HOUSE - Second Floor Plan - Proposed.pdfFloor PlansDownload
1.1.1 BALLYBAY MARKET HOUSE - Section - Demolition.pdfSectionsDownload
1.1.1 BALLYBAY MARKET HOUSE - Section - Existing.pdfSectionsDownload
1.1.1 BALLYBAY MARKET HOUSE - Section - Proposed.pdfSectionsDownload
1.1.1 BALLYBAY MARKET HOUSE - Site Location Map.pdfSite location mapDownload
1.1.13 BALLYBAY MARKET HOUSE - Exterior Lighting.pdfDrawings - GeneralDownload
1.1.8 BALLYBAY MARKET HOUSE - EIAS Report Vn A.pdfOther AssessmentsDownload
BALLYBAY MARKET HOUSE - Site Notice.pdfSite NoticeDownload
1.1.9 BALLYBAY MARKET HOUSE - AAS.pdfAppropriate Assessment Screening ReportDownload
1.1.7 BALLYBAY MARKET HOUSE - Bat Survey_April2024.pdfOther AssessmentsDownload
1.1.6 BALLYBAY MARKET HOUSE - Bat survey_ September2024.pdfOther AssessmentsDownload
1.1.5 BALLYBAY MARKET HOUSE - Archaeological Heritage Screening-Appraisal Report.pdfArchaeology ReportDownload
1.1.4 BALLYBAY MARKET HOUSE - Architectural Design & Planning Statement.pdfOther AssessmentsDownload
1.1.3 BALLYBAY MARKET HOUSE - Appendix A Architectural Heritage Impact Assessment.pdfOther AssessmentsDownload
1.1.2 BALLYBAY MARKET HOUSE - Conservation Report and Architectural Heritage Impact Assessment.pdfConservation ReportDownload
1.1.14 BALLYBAY MARKET HOUSE - Exterior Lighting Report.pdfOther AssessmentsDownload
1.1.12 BALLYBAY MARKET HOUSE - Site Investigation_BH.pdfDrawings - GeneralDownload
1.1.11 BALLYBAY MARKET HOUSE - Site Investigation_TH.pdfDrawings - GeneralDownload
1.1.10 BALLYBAY MARKET HOUSE - Civil Eng.pdfSewer Network DrawingsDownload
1.1.0 BALLYBAY MARKET HOUSE - Schedule of Documents (2).pdfOther AssessmentsDownload