This site allows electronic applications  to all local authorities apart from Cork and Wexford - see the 'about' page for more info. 


Local Government Online Planning Portal Registration Terms and Conditions

  1. Definitions used on this site
    1. Website – means this website
    2. Service(s) – means the services we provide to users through the website; that is, the facility to create and edit electronic planning applications, to send those forms to the relevant local authority, to download copies of the forms, and information on associated Support Desk services.
    3. User, you and your – means any registered user of the website.
    4. DPL – means Data Protection legislation.
    5. Operators – the LGMA are the operators of the portal
  2. Governing law for this site
    1. These terms and conditions are governed by Irish law and any disputes will be dealt with in the Irish courts.
  3. Access
    1. The Service may only be accessed by registered users. The Operators may revoke the registration of any user who fails to comply with these terms and conditions.
  4. Using this website
    1. You must not upload any information to the website which contains viruses or is defamatory or is otherwise unlawful, malicious, abusive, frivolous, or inappropriate.
    2. You cannot amend planning applications once you have submitted them on the website.
  5. About your information
    1. The information you provide in registering for the Service will be used to enable you to fully use the website and the Services.
    2. You can update or confirm your account information at any time by logging in to your account on the website and accessing the ‘My Details’ page.
    3. Should you wish to unregister from the service you can do so, provided you have no open applications at that time. Please note that once unregistered, your account and any information that it holds will be deleted. If after leaving the service, you wish to re-register you are able to do so at any time, by using a different email address.
    4. Further information about the data that you provide to the website, how this data is used, and your rights can be viewed in our Privacy Notice [hyperlink to Privacy Notice]
  6. About Planning Applications
    1. Planning Applications sent using the website will be sent to the appropriate local authority.
    2. You can store applications in draft on the website and these will be retained in our database. You may amend or delete draft applications at any time by accessing them through the ‘My Applications’ page of the website after logging in.
    3. We will only retain ‘draft’ applications that have been accessed by users in the previous 12 months. This helps to ensure that we only retain current and up-to-date information on your applications in our databases, and that we have sufficient server storage to accommodate continued growth in use of the service.
    4. The identified local authority will be in charge of your personal information when they receive your application, and they will become the data controller from this point. For details as to how the authority may handle your information, please see the authority's website, or contact the authority direct.
    5. You cannot amend forms that you have already submitted to authorities in using this website. Please contact the authority for details on providing revised or new information relating to the submission form sent in through this website.
    6. Planning Application Data is required by the Planning Authority, acting as the Data Controller in this instance, in order to maintain a Planning Register for their Local Authority, as required under Section 7 of the Planning & Development Act 2000.
    7. Submitted Planning Application Data will be made publicly available online as required under Section 38 (S.I. No. 180/2020) of the Planning and Development Act 2000.
    8. As you upload documents relating to your application, you will be asked to assign a category to each document uploaded. Documents are categorised as either ‘Public’ or ‘Confidential’ when they are uploaded. ‘Public’ documents will be published online whereas ‘Confidential’ documents will not. It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that the correct document category is chosen at the time of uploading the application so as to ensure that only those documents that should be published online are published online and vice versa.
    9. Each application has particular documents that need to be provided in order for the application to be considered valid. These documents must be provided and uploaded into the correct category in order for the application to be considered valid.
    10. Details of your submitted Planning Application will be available through the Online Planning Portal for up to 12 months after the Planning Authority has finalised the Planning Application and a decision has been issued. The details of this Planning Application will continue to be available with the Planning Authority or on after this time.
    11. The Online Planning Portal is an electronic means of submitting your Planning Application and is not used for storing the main Planning Application file. The main Planning Application file, it's documentation and all the related Decisions will reside with the Planning Authority.
  7. About Submissions/Observations on Planning Applications
    1. Submissions/Observations on Planning Applications made using the website will be sent to the appropriate local authority.
    2. The identified local authority will be in charge of your personal information when they receive your submission/observation, and they will become the data controller from this point. For details as to how the authority may handle your information, please see the authority's website, or contact the authority direct.
    3. You cannot amend your submission/observation that you have submitted to authorities through this website.
    4. Valid submissions/observations and related submitted documentation will be made publicly available online as required under Section 38 (S.I. No. 180/2020) of the Planning and Development Act 2000.
    5. If a submission/observation is deemed to be invalid by the receiving Local Authority, it’s details will not be made publicly available.
  8. Limitation of liability
    1. The service will not check the accuracy and completeness of any applications that you make. You are responsible for any errors in the forms you submit.
    2. We reserve the right to withdraw access (all or partly) to the website or the Services at any time without giving notice. This does not affect the information already entered into the portal or applications already made via the website to local authorities.
    3. We are not liable for any delays, interruptions, mistakes, or failures in providing the services which are not within our reasonable control, including natural disasters, failure or interruption of electrical power, industrial action, industrial disputes, breakdown, or other malfunctions of your or our telephone or other technical equipment, including information-technology software.
    4. To the extent permitted by law, we will not be liable for any direct, incidental, consequential, indirect, or punitive damages (those intended as a punishment) or any other losses, costs, expenses, or damage of any kind (except for personal injury or death) claimed to have arisen as a result of using this website under these terms and conditions, or as a result of the services not being available, not working or malfunctioning.
    5. Any advice offered in preparing and making your applications, either via information provided on the website or by our Support Desk is not legal or professional advice and should not be construed as such.
    6. We are not responsible for the content or availability of other websites to which you may be directed by following a hyperlink.