Section 179A 10 residential Units Ashbury Roscrea


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Applications Details
Tipperary County Council
Section 179A 10 residential Units Ashbury Roscrea
The development will consist of the construction of a 10no. Unit Public Housing development, comprising of 8 No. One-Bedroom apartments in two separate blocks (4 No. at Ground Level & 4 No. at First Floor Level) and 2 No. Two-Bedroom, two-storey houses and associated site development works including new entrance, access roadway, ten car parking spaces, site boundaries, surface water drainage, utilities, service connections and all ancillary siteworks.
Applications Address
Co. Tipperary
Public Display
Civic Offices, Castle Avenue, Thurles, Co. Tipperary
File NameDocument TypeDescriptionDownload
1. Design Statement.pdfOther AssessmentsDesign StatementDownload
8. Site Location Map.pdfSite location mapSite Location MapDownload
9. Proposed Site Layout Plan.pdfSite layout plan Proposed Site Layout PlanDownload
10. Landscaping Details.pdfLandscape PlansLandscaping DetailsDownload
11. Site Boundary Treatment.pdfDrawings - GeneralSite Boundary TreatmentDownload
12. Site Contextual Elevations.pdfElevationsSite Contextual ElevationsDownload
13. Proposed Ground Floor Plan.pdfFloor PlansProposed Ground Floor PlanDownload
14. Proposed First Floor Plan.pdfFloor Plans Proposed First Floor PlanDownload
15. Proposed Roof Plan.pdfPlans, Sections, ElevationsProposed Roof PlanDownload
16. Proposed Elevations.pdfElevations Proposed ElevationsDownload
17. Proposed Sections.pdfSectionsProposed SectionsDownload
7. Uisce Éireann confirmation.pdfWater Supply Plans Uisce ÉireannDownload
6. Ecological Impact Assessment Report.pdfOther AssessmentsEcological Impact Assessment ReportDownload
5. EIA Screening Assessment Report.pdfOther AssessmentsEIA Screening Assessment ReportDownload
4. AA Screening Report.pdfHabitat Directive Screening ReportAA Screening ReportDownload
3. Site Notice.pdfSite NoticeSite NoticeDownload
2. Newpaper Notice.pdfNewspaper NoticeNewspaper NoticeDownload