Extension to existing property at Garraun, Golden, Cashel, Co. Tipperary.


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Applications Details
Tipperary County Council
Extension to existing property at Garraun, Golden, Cashel, Co. Tipperary.
The development consists of an extension to the existing 3-bedroom single storey dwelling to form a new 6-Bedroom single storey dwelling including internal refurbishment of the existing dwelling on a total site of 0.183 Ha. at Garraun, Golden, Cashel, Co. Tipperary.
Applications Address
Co. Tipperary
Public Display
Tipperary County Council, Civic Offices, Emmet Street., Clonmel, Co. Tipperary, E91N512 & Civic Offices, Nenagh, Co. Tipperary E45 A099
File NameDocument TypeDescriptionDownload
TCC-MPS_TCC-NEN-B3GF-C5560_3_1399_001.pdfResolution of the MembersResolution extract from minutes Download
PT8TT16 Chief Executive Report Final.pdfChief Executives ReportChief Executives report Download
sub dept.pdfSubmissionsubmission from dept.Download
DOECLG referral Form.pdfReport Request Letter to External BodyDownload
Drawing Schedule.pdfDrawings - GeneralDrawing ScheduleDownload
13 - 01-SBD-P8-13 - EXISTING SITE ENTRANCE SIGHTLINES UNCHANGED.pdfPlans, Sections, ElevationsExisting Site Entrance Sightlines UnchangedDownload
12 - 01-SBD-P8-12 - PROPOSED NEW SITE SERVICES.pdfPlans, Sections, ElevationsProposed new site servicesDownload
11 - 01-SBD-P8-11 - PROPOSED EXTENSION 3D VIEWS.pdfPlans, Sections, ElevationsProposed Extension 3D ViewsDownload
10 - 01-SBD-P8-10 - PROPOSED SECTIONS A-A, B-B, C-C, D-D, E-E.pdfPlans, Sections, ElevationsProposed Sections A-A, B-B, C-C, D-D, E-EDownload
9 - 01-SBD-P8-09 - PROPOSED ELEVATIONS AND ROOF PLAN.pdfPlans, Sections, ElevationsProposed Elevations and Roof PlanDownload
8 - 01-SBD-P8-08 - PROPOSED PLAN.pdfPlans, Sections, ElevationsProposed PlanDownload
7 - 01-SBD-P8-07 - PROPOSED SITE LAYOUT PLAN.pdfPlans, Sections, ElevationsProposed Site Layout PlanDownload
6 - 01-SBD-P8-06 - DEMOLTION PLAN - SITE LAYOUT.pdfPlans, Sections, ElevationsDemolition Plan - Site LayoutDownload
5 - 01-SBD-P8-05 - EXISTING 3D VIEWS.pdfPlans, Sections, ElevationsExisting 3D ViewsDownload
4 - 01-SBD-P8-04 - EXISTING ELEVATIONS AND ROOF PLAN.pdfPlans, Sections, ElevationsExisting Elevations and Roof PlanDownload
3 - 01-SBD-P8-03 - EXISTING PLAN.pdfPlans, Sections, ElevationsExisting PlanDownload
2 - 01-SBD-P8-02 - EXISTING SITE LAYOUT PLAN.pdfSite layout planExisting Site Layout PlanDownload
1 - 01-SBD-P8-01 - SITE LOCATION MAP.pdfSite location mapSite Location MapDownload
Site suitability assessment report at Gaurran, Golden, Cashel.pdfSite assessment reportDownload
Archaeological Impact Assessment- Garraun, Golden.pdfArchaeology ReportArchaeological Impact AssessmentDownload
PRE SCREENING FORM.pdfOther AssessmentsPre Screening FormDownload
EIA Preliminary Assessment.pdfOther AssessmentsEIA Preliminary AssessmentDownload
ASSESSMENT SCREENING REPORT.pdfAppropriate Assessment Screening ReportAssessment Screening ReportDownload
Site Notice-Garraun, Golden, Cashel.pdfSite NoticeSite NoticeDownload
Newspaper Ad - Gaurran, Golden, Tipperary.pdfNewspaper NoticeNewspaper NoticeDownload
Development Description.pdfApplication - Cover LetterDevelopment DescriptionDownload