Recreational Area consisting of a skate park MUGA pitch and teenage area in Roscrea


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Applications Details
Tipperary County Council
Recreational Area consisting of a skate park MUGA pitch and teenage area in Roscrea
Proposed recreational area consisting of a skate park, MUGA pitch and teenage area General site clearance of the 75m x 75m site for the provision of: - Concrete surface skatepark measuring approximately 40m x 28m - Multi Use Games Area (MUGA) measuring 40m x 20m incorporating 4.8m high steel perimeter fencing; - Teenage Zone incorporating group social seating, swing set and exercise; - Provision of wildflower garden area; - Installation of public lighting to provide lighting consistent with a recreational urban environment; - Provision of footpaths connecting various functional spaces within Leisure Centre Carpark; - Soft landscaping and tree planting to remaining areas of the site.
Applications Address
Co. Tipperary
Thurles MD
Public Display
Civic Offices, Castle Avenue, Thurles, Co. Tipperary
File NameDocument TypeDescriptionDownload
PT8 CE report Final Roscrea.pdfChief Executives ReportCE ReportDownload
Signed Resolution.pdfResolution of the MembersresolutionDownload
Site Location Map.pdfSite location mapDownload
Site Layout_0.pdfSite layout planDownload
Muga Plans & Elevations.pdfPlans, Sections, ElevationsDownload
Cross Section_0.pdfSectionsDownload
Drainage Drawing_0.pdfDrainage Network DrawingsDownload
AA Screening Form BOI 10.04.24.pdfAppropriate Assessment Screening Reportaa screening Download
site notice.pdfSite Noticesite noticeDownload
newspaper notice.pdfNewspaper NoticeMidland TribuneDownload