3 Dwellings at Aughnaskerry


Status message

This application is open for submissions


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Applications Details
Cavan County Council
3 Dwellings at Aughnaskerry
(i) Demolition of 1 No. dwelling and out building at The Bungalow, Aughnaskerry, Cavan, H12 C2W4. (ii) Development of 3 No. Terrace 2 bedroom split level dwellings. (iii) Car Parking and Bicycle Parking Provision. (iv) Erection of boundary treatments and retaining structures and all associated site works including, rebuilding existing roadside boundary wall to site and adjoining pumping station. (v) Modifications to existing pedestrian footpath and existing site entrance (vi) Connection to public sewer, water main and surface water. An appropriate Assessment Screening Report and Environmental Impact Assessment Screening Report of the proposed development have been completed and are available for inspection with this application.
Applications Address
The Bungalow
Public Display
Customer Service Desk, Johnston Library, Farnham Street, Cavan
File NameDocument TypeDescriptionDownload
20250313_Celt Notice.pdfNewspaper NoticeDownload
Aughnaskerry Design Statement 07-03-25.pdfOther AssessmentsDownload
KMA_Aughnaskerry IAS v2.pdfOther AssessmentsDownload
KAMA_Aughnaskerry_EIAS_Rev 1.pdfOther AssessmentsDownload
FF_Aughnaskerry_AAS_Issue.pdfAppropriate Assessment Screening ReportDownload
23108-AUG - EXTRNAL SITE SERVICES-E601.pdfDrawings - GeneralDownload
23108-AUG - EXTRNAL LIGHTING-E600.pdfDrawings - GeneralDownload
23108 - Aughnaskerry -Elec Drawing Register.pdfDrawings - GeneralDownload
Issue Sheet 14.11.24.pdfDrawings - GeneralDownload
23-247B-122 - GENERAL CONSTRUCTION DETAILS.pdfDrawings - GeneralDownload
23-247B-121 - GENERAL CONSTRUCTION DETAILS.pdfDrawings - GeneralDownload
23-247B-120 - GENERAL CONSTRUCTION DETAILS & ROAD SECTION A - A.pdfDrawings - GeneralDownload
23-247B-101 WATERMAIN LAYOUT.pdfSite layout planDownload
23-247B-100 FOUL & STORM SEWER LAYOUT.pdfSite layout planDownload
23011_AU_PL-V-01_3D_VISUAL.pdfDrawings - GeneralDownload
23011_AU_PL-S-01_SITE SECTION A-A rev B.pdfPlans, Sections, ElevationsDownload
23011_AU_PL-P-01_HOUSE_TYPE_REV A.pdfFloor PlansDownload
23011_AU_PL-L-03 SITE REMOVALS DEMOLITIONS.pdfSite layout planDownload
23011_AU_PL-L-02_BLOCK_PLAN rev M.pdfSite layout planDownload
23011_AU_PL-L-01_SITE_LOCATION_MAP.pdfSite location mapDownload
Part 8 - Site Notice -Aughnaskerry.pdfSite NoticeDownload