Development at No.15 & No.16 Haggard Street and part of access lane (L-40224-4) in Townparks, Trim, Co. Meath


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Applications Details
Meath County Council
Development at No.15 & No.16 Haggard Street and part of access lane (L-40224-4) in Townparks, Trim, Co. Meath
The development will consist of the following: . Demolition of existing derelict structures (comprising 2 no. single storey terraced house walls and associated outbuildings) on lands at No. 15 and No. 16 Haggard Street; . Construction of 4 no. single storey houses comprising - 2 no. 1-bed single storey replacement terrace dwellings (fronting onto Haggard Street); and 2 no. 2-bed single storey semi-detached infill houses accessible from the existing rear lane; . Erection of public streetlighting, to rear lane; . Connection to public sewers and mains water supply; and, . All ancillary site works necessary to facilitate the development.
Applications Address
15 & 16 Haggard Street
Co. Meath
Public Display
MCC Offices, Buvinda House, Navan and Trim Civic Office
File NameDocument TypeDescriptionDownload
pt8mh196_-_meath_co_co.pdfSubmissionSubmission Document From: Uisce Eireann in relation to PT8MH196Download
part_8_pt8mh196.pdfSubmissionSubmission Document From: Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage_PART_8 in relation to PT8MH196Download
Test Trenching Report for Archaeology.pdfArchaeology ReportDownload
HST-ROD-00-XX-RP-C-0002+appendices.pdfOther AssessmentsDownload
22777-VCE-XX-XX-RP-E-0001.pdfOther AssessmentsDownload
OBFA-X-X-DR-A-2007.pdfOther AssessmentsDownload
OBFA-X-X-DR-A-2006.pdfDrawings - GeneralDownload
OBFA-X-X-DR-A-2005.pdfDrawings - GeneralDownload
OBFA-X-X-DR-A-2003.pdfSite layout planDownload
OBFA-X-X-DR-A-2002.pdfSite layout planDownload
OBFA-X-X-DR-A-2001.pdfSite location mapDownload
OBFA-X-X-DR-A-2000.pdfDrawings - GeneralDownload
230419_Trim EIA Screening (OBFA 2023).pdfEIARDownload
obfa_2104_Haggard Street_AA Screening report_221104.pdfAppropriate Assessment Screening ReportDownload
2104_MCC_HAGGARD STREET-Report A.pdfOther AssessmentsDownload
AA Determination (Signed).pdfAppropriate Assessment Screening ReportDownload
Cover Letter.pdfApplication - Cover LetterDownload
EIA Screening Procedure (Signed).pdfEIARDownload
Newspaper Notice (Digital).pdfNewspaper NoticeDownload
Haggard St Site Notice.pdfSite NoticeDownload