New and improved Walking and Cycling facilities and traffic calming measures - St. Stephen’s NS, Johnstown, Navan - Safe Routes to Schools Scheme


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Applications Details
Meath County Council
New and improved Walking and Cycling facilities and traffic calming measures - St. Stephen’s NS, Johnstown, Navan - Safe Routes to Schools Scheme
The development will consist of: . Construction of traffic calming measures, new and upgraded cycle and pedestrian facilities on both sides of the L5057, from its junction with Beech Drive, L50574 to the roundabout adjacent to the Johnstown Education Campus. . Upgrading of existing pedestrian crossing on the L5057 to link with new pathways extending north to Birch Lawns L50572, south to Beech Drive L50574, and south-east to the Johnstown Education Campus boundary. . A new gated non-vehicular access to Johnstown Education Campus and new footpaths within the campus. . The construction of traffic calming measures, new and upgraded pedestrian crossings at the roundabout adjacent to Johnstown Education Campus . Upgraded pedestrian crossing at the junction of the L5057-Beech Drive L50574 . Associated landscaping, traffic signals, road markings, signage, public lighting, drainage and ancillary works
Applications Address
Johnstown Wood
(townlands of Bailis and Alexander Reid)
Co. Meath
Public Display
Buvinda House, Navan
File NameDocument TypeDescriptionDownload
2502_st_stephens_johnstown_.pdfSubmissionSubmission Document From: Colm Ryder in relation to PT8MH179Download
nci_submission_srts_st_stephens_johnstown.docx_.pdfSubmissionSubmission Document From: Ed Moynihan in relation to PT8MH179Download
Submission.pdfSubmissionFrom: Michelle Yore in relation to PT8MH179Download
Submission.pdfSubmissionFrom: Daniel Tarpey in relation to PT8MH179Download
Photomontage.pdfPhoto MontageDownload
Environmental Impact Assessment - Screening.pdfEIARDownload
Site Notice Locations.pdfSite location mapDownload
Plans & Drawings.pdfDrawings - GeneralDownload
Newspaper notice published Irish Independent, 20 December 2024.pdfNewspaper NoticeDownload
Appropriate Assessment - Screening.pdfAppropriate Assessment Screening ReportDownload
Site Notice.pdfSite NoticeDownload
Written Statement (Planning Report).pdfApplication - Cover LetterDownload