35-39 Nicholas Street, Limerick


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Applications Details
Limerick City and County Council
35-39 Nicholas Street, Limerick
The development of a Design and Innovation Hub at Nos. 35 – 39 Nicholas Street (a Proposed Protected Structure (Ref. No.: P.P.S. 2024/A)) to comprise artist studios, workspaces, retail area, exhibition space and café/restaurant with associated outdoor area adjoining St. Peter Street. The development will include the erection of new part two storey, part single storey building incorporating the upstanding walls of the medieval house and their associated fabric and features at Nos. 36-39 Nicholas Street, the change of use from residential, refurbishment and renovation of No. 35 Nicholas Street, the demolition of a two storey extension to the rear and its replacement with a three storey extension, the erection of a single storey workshop unit to the rear of No. 35 and all associated site works. This development is within the site of Recorded Monuments, LI005-017006 and LI005-017123, both classified as House-medieval.
Applications Address
35 - 39 Nicholas Street
P.P.S. 2024/A
Public Display
LCCC Offices - Merchant's Quay & Dooradoyle
File NameDocument TypeDescriptionDownload
Submission.pdfSubmissionFrom: Farron Flaherty in relation to PT8LL180Download
pt8ll180_-_limerick_-_class_1.pdfSubmissionSubmission Document From: Uisce Eireann in relation to PT8LL180Download
RE_ Part 8 - 35 - 39 Nicholas Street - Ref No. PT8LL180_Fire Control.pdfOther AssessmentsReferral returned from Fire Control. Download
Submission.pdfSubmissionFrom: Eilis Walsh in relation to PT8LL180Download
Part 8 - 35 - 39 Nicholas Street - Ref No. PT8LL180_Referrals Internal.pdfOther AssessmentsEmails sent for internal referralsDownload
PT8LL180 - Referrals.pdfOther AssessmentsReferrals to internal staff (LCCC).Download
Submission.pdfSubmissionFrom: Timothy O Sullivan Glynn in relation to PT8LL180Download
Conservation Report and Heritage Impact Assessment.pdfConservation ReportConservation Report & Heritage impact AssessmentDownload
3D_Photomontage_3[1].pdfPhoto Montage3D Photomontage 3Download
3D_Photomontage_1[1].pdfPhoto Montage3D Photomontage 1Download
3D_Photomontage_2[1].pdfPhoto Montage3D Photomontage 2Download
Newspaper Notice.pdfNewspaper NoticeNewspaper Notice - Limerick Leader - 13th January 2025Download
Dwg._No._113_-_Proposed_Section_AA_&_BB[1].pdfSectionsProposed Sections - AA & BB Download
Schedule of Drawings.pdfOther AssessmentsSchedule of DrawingsDownload
ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN STATEMENT 35-39 NICHOLAS STREET.pdfOther AssessmentsArchitectural Design StatementDownload
Preliminary Archaeological Impact Assessment.pdfArchaeology ReportPreliminary Archaeological Impact AssessmentDownload
Dwg._No._114_-_Proposed_Contiguous_Elevations_-_Nicholas_Street_&_St._Peter_Street[1].pdfElevationsProposed Contiguous Elevations - Nicholas Street & St. Peter StreetDownload
Dwg._No._105_-_Existing_Sections_AA_through_No._35[1].pdfSectionsExisting Sections AA through No. 35Download
Dwg._No._112_-_Proposed_Elevations_-_East[1].pdfElevationsProposed Elevations - EastDownload
Dwg._No._111_-_Proposed_Elevations_-_West_and_South[1].pdfElevationsProposed Elevations - West and SouthDownload
Dwg._No._110_-_Proposed_Second_Floor_Plan[1].pdfFloor PlansProposed Second Floor PlanDownload
Dwg._No._109_-_Proposed_First_Floor_Plan[1].pdfFloor PlansProposed First Floor PlanDownload
Dwg._No._108_-_Proposed_Ground_Floor_Plan[1].pdfFloor PlansProposed Ground Floor PlanDownload
Dwg._No._107_-_Proposed_Site_Layout_Plan[1].pdfSite layout planProposed Site Layout PlanDownload
Dwg._No._104_-_Existing_Elevations_-_West_and_South[1].pdfElevationsExisting Elevations - West and SouthDownload
Dwg._No._106_-_Existing_Contiguous_Elevations_-_Nicholas_Street_&_St._Peter_Street[1].pdfElevationsExisting Contiguous Elevations - Nicholas Street & St. Peter StreetDownload
Dwg._No._103_-_Existing_Second_Floor_Plan[1].pdfFloor PlansExisting Second Floor PlanDownload
Dwg._No._101_-_Existing_Site_Layout_Plan[1].pdfSite layout planExisting Site Layout PlanDownload
Dwg._No._102_-_Existing_First_Floor_Plan[1].pdfFloor PlansExisting First Floor PlanDownload
Dwg._No._100_-_Site_Location_Plan[1].pdfSite location mapSite Location PlanDownload
Structural Proposal Report.pdfOther AssessmentsStructural Proposal ReportDownload
Site_Notice_(Signed)[1].pdfSite NoticeSite NoticeDownload
Privacy_Statement[1].pdfOther AssessmentsPrivacy StatementDownload
EIA_and_AA_Screening[1].pdfOther AssessmentsEIA and AA ScreeningDownload
DNSH_Assessment_Nicholas_Street[1].pdfOther AssessmentsDo No Significant Harm AssessmentDownload
Bat_Survey[1].pdfOther AssessmentsBat SurveyDownload
Application_Form[1].pdfApplication Form - Part AApplication FormDownload