Conservation, refurbishment, and adaptive reuse works at the former Tipperary Town Courthouse and Bridewell.


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Applications Details
Tipperary County Council
Conservation, refurbishment, and adaptive reuse works at the former Tipperary Town Courthouse and Bridewell.
Nature and Extent of Proposed Development The development will consist of the change of use from former courthouse and bridewell to adult education, office and ancillary spaces. The existing buildings are Protected Structures. Works to the former courthouse building will include; Demolition of existing modern single and two storey annex structures to side and rear of original courthouse building; The removal of dry rot damaged suspended timber floor structures, floor boards, and internal joinery to provide for new education, office and toilet facilities and ancillary accommodation; The retention, restoration and reuse of elements of the internal courtroom furniture including the existing gallery structures and Judge’s dias. The provision of a new platform lift internally to provide universal access to the first floor areas; The provision of a new link internally at first floor between the east and west galleries; The replacement of modern PVC windows throughout with historically accurate timber sash windows with slimline double glazing; Repointing of existing stonework, repairs to plasterwork, repairs to existing lath and plaster ceilings and cornices, and ancillary conservation and restoration works to the existing historic fabric; The construction of a new two storey extension to the existing courthouse building to contain a new main accessible entrance, kitchenette, toilet and ambulant accessible stairs complete with new high performance aluminium glazing and doors; The adjustment of paving levels to provide level access to the existing, original, courthouse west entrance; The upgrade and installation of electrical and mechanical building services to the internal envelope of the former courthouse; Energy saving retrofit works including under floor and roof insulation, lighting, heating and ventilation system upgrades; Works to the former Bridewell buildings will include; The removal of modern stud partitions on ground and first floors in the former female wing; The refurbishment of existing accessible toilet on the ground floor of the former female wing; The provision of a new accessible platform lift and toilet in the former keepers house; Installation of stud partition on ground and first floors to separate new lift area from toilet and office space; The re-opening of original doorways at first floor level to link the three buildings; The re-instatement of original link structures and railings between the buildings at first floor level; Ancillary conservation and repair works to the existing structures including lime render, stonework repairs and repointing, the conservation of original timber sash windows and replacement of non-original timber windows with historically accurate timber sash windows; The upgrade and installation of electrical services to the internal envelopes of the former Bridewell buildings; Energy saving retrofit works including roof insulation, lighting, heating and ventilation system upgrades. External works include; The creation of a new access controlled pedestrian link, including platform lift and ambulant stairs to the public carpark to the rear, east, of the site; The provision of a mini bus drop off point, turning circle and formalisation of parking in the public car park to the rear; The provision of single storey covered area to the east of the former Courthouse to provide shelter for break out activities; Removal of existing prefab office and storage containers; The provision of a natural stone paved entrance area to the west and paved break out area to the north east of the former Courthouse; The provision of a natural stone paved area to the new pedestrian link to the public car park to the east of the site and to the areas between the former Bridewell buildings; The provision of asphalt surfacing to the vehicle access route from the existing entrance on St Michael’s Street to the forecourt in front of the former Bridewell buildings; The provision of landscape enhancements, including semi mature tree planting, garden arrangements, and ancillary soft landscaping works; Refurbishing the existing, original cast iron gates, boundary treatments, connections to public sewer, signage and external lighting. The proposed development comprises the carrying out of works which would materially affect the character of the protected structure’s, Tipperary Town Courthouse and Bridewell (RPS reference 17 and 18, Tipperary Town & Environs Development Plan 2013).
Applications Address
St Michael's Street
Tipperary Town
Co. Tipperary
RPS 17 & 18
Public Display
Civic Offices, Rosanna Road, Tipperary Town, Civic offices Clonmel, Civic Offices Nenagh
File NameDocument TypeDescriptionDownload
Resolution.pdfResolution of the MembersResolution of the members Download
Tipperary Town Courthouse Part 8 CE Report.pdfChief Executives ReportChief Executives reportDownload
4. Paul O'Callaghan, Tipperary Tidy Towns.pdfSubmissionsubmission From: Paul O'Callaghan in relation to PT8TT62Download
3. Carmel Fox, Chair, Tipperary Town Revitalisation Task Force.pdfSubmissionsubmission From: Carmel Fox in relation to PT8TT62Download
2. Mary Alice O'Connor, Heritage Rep and Chair, Tipp Town Revitalisation.pdfSubmissionsubmission From: Mary Alice O'Connor in relation to PT8TT62Download
Submission.pdfSubmissionFrom: catherine Fogarty in relation to PT8TT62Download
Submission.pdfSubmissionFrom: Maura Edmonds in relation to PT8TT62Download
pt8tt62_tipperary.pdfSubmissionSubmission Document From: Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage_PART_8 in relation to PT8TT62Download
part_8_-_tipperary_co_co_-_courthouse.pdfSubmissionSubmission Document From: Irish Water Irish Water in relation to PT8TT62Download
DOECLG referral Form Tipp Town Court House.pdfReport Request Letter to External BodyCriteria formDownload
1. OSI Site Location & Site Notice.pdfSite location mapSite Location MapDownload
site layout plan proposed.pdfSite layout planSite Layout Plan ProposedDownload
site layout plan demolition.pdfSite layout planSite Layout Plan DemolitionDownload
Site layout plan existing.pdfSite layout planSite Layout Plan existingDownload
2. Existing Drawings.pdfPlans, Sections, ElevationsExisting plans sections ans elevationsDownload
3. Demolition Drawings.pdfPlans, Sections, ElevationsDemolition plans sections elevationsDownload
4. Proposed Drawings.pdfPlans, Sections, ElevationsProposed plans sections elevationsDownload
Architects Design Statement.pdfOther AssessmentsArchitects Design Statement Download
Architectural Heritage Impact Assessment.pdfOther AssessmentsArchitectural heritage impact assessment Download
Bat Report - Tipperary Court House.pdfOther AssessmentsBat Survey Download
External Lighting Design Intent.pdfOther AssessmentsLighting Download
EIA Preliminary Examination.pdfOther AssessmentsEIA ScreeningDownload
AA Screening_Tipperaray Court House.pdfAppropriate Assessment Screening ReportreportDownload
AA Screening Assessment.pdfAppropriate Assessment Screening ReportAA Screening Download
Tipperary Town Courthouse Newspaper Notice.pdfNewspaper NoticeNewspaper noticeDownload
Tipperary Town Courthouse Site Notice Signed.pdfSite NoticeSite noticeDownload