Monument Hill Walk, Foynes


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Applications Details
Limerick City and County Council
Monument Hill Walk, Foynes
The development of Monument Hill Walk consisting of: re-grading of existing concrete stairs leading from Marine Cove, new viewing area at the top of the stairs, timber fence with mesh infill along northern site boundary, reconfigured walking trail from viewing platform to the Stephen Edmond Spring Rice Memorial Cross Monument and informal play areas. Works also include cleaning and minor repair works to the Monument, and a vehicular maintenance path from existing forest access road to a vehicle manoeuvring area to the west of the Monument at Marine Cove, Leahy’s, Foynes, Limerick.
Applications Address
Monument Hill, Marine Cove, Leahy's Foynes, Co. Limerick.
Public Display
Monument Hill, Marine Cove, Leahy's Foynes, Co. Limerick.
File NameDocument TypeDescriptionDownload
PT8LL181 MWNDRO Dermot Boland.pdfOther AssessmentsObservation after referralDownload
PT8 referral.pdfReport Request Letter to Internal StaffDownload
Referal email to DAU.pdfReport Request Letter to External BodyDownload
Data Protection Privacy Statement - Monument Hill Part 8.pdfOther AssessmentsPrivacy Statement_LCCCDownload
OR422LK01_Part 8 Newspaper Notice.pdfNewspaper NoticeNewspaper NoticeDownload
L0584-DR-GAR-CE-0001_P1-3.pdfSite location mapSite Location MapDownload
L0584-DR-GAR-CE-0010_P1-9.pdfSite layout planPath LayoutDownload
Part 8_Schedule of Content.pdfOther AssessmentsSchedule of ContentDownload
L0584-DR-GAR-CE-0016_P1-3.pdfSite layout planSite Entrance Plan On Marine CoveDownload
L0584-DR-GAR-CE-0015_P1-1.pdfElevationsSteps ElevationDownload
L0584-DR-GAR-CE-0014_P1-4.pdfSite layout planLand Ownership LayoutDownload
L0584-DR-GAR-CE-0012_P1-3.pdfSectionsLongitudinal Sections of New StepsDownload
L0584-DR-GAR-CE-0002_P1-3.pdfSite layout planExisting Roads and PathsDownload
L0584-Misc-005G - CEMP.pdfOther AssessmentsOutline Construction Environmental Management PlanDownload
AHIA Monument Hill Foynes JBA Rev A.pdfOther AssessmentsArchitectural Heritage Impact AssessmentDownload
Letter of Consent_combined.pdfOther AssessmentsLetters of ConsentDownload
Part 8_application form.pdfApplication Form - Part AApplication FormDownload
2611 Monument Hill Foynes AA Screening_V.1.0.pdfOther AssessmentsAA Screening ReportDownload
2611 Foynes EIA Screening_Monument Hill Pathway_V1.0.pdfOther AssessmentsPreliminary EIA Screening ReportDownload
L0584-Report-241204A - Part 8 Planning Report.pdfOther AssessmentsPlanning ReportDownload
signed_OR422LK01_Part 8 Site Notice.pdfSite NoticeSite NoticeDownload