East Meath Cycle Facilities - R150 Bettystown Court Roundabout to Whitefield Roundabout Scheme


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Applications Details
Meath County Council
East Meath Cycle Facilities - R150 Bettystown Court Roundabout to Whitefield Roundabout Scheme
The provision of walking and cycling infrastructure for active travel in Bettystown, Co Meath. The proposed scheme includes for the construction of a two-way cycle facility on the eastern side of the R150 Eastham Road, upgraded footway infrastructure on both sides of the R150 Eastham Road and along the L56153 McDonough's Lane, the closure of the five exisitng gated access points from Whitefield Estate to L56153 McDonough's Lane, the construction of new entry points and the associated zebra crossing to link both Castlemartin Green and Whitefield Hall Avenue, a signalised toucan crossing on R150 Eastham Road, as well as associated landscaping, public lighting, drainage, crossings for pedestrians and cyclists, boundary treatments, surfacing works and raised tables along the scheme. The proposed scheme also includes the construction of footways, pedestrian crossings, and kerb re-alignments at the R150 junction with L5615 Pilltown Road.
Applications Address
R150 Bettystown Court Roundabout to Whitefield Roundabout Scheme
Co Meath
Public Display
Buvinda House and Duleek Civic Office
File NameDocument TypeDescriptionDownload
PT8MH137 - AO Order.pdfResolution of the MembersDownload
PT8MH137 - CE Report.pdfChief Executives ReportDownload
Submission.pdfSubmissionFrom: Colm Ryder in relation to PT8MH137Download
Submission.pdfSubmissionFrom: Colm Ryder in relation to PT8MH137Download
photos.pdfSubmissionSubmission Document From: Wayne Tougher in relation to PT8MH137Download
trees_not_shown_at_aluboy_apartments_section_of_eastham_rd_20240829_0001.pdfSubmissionSubmission Document From: Catherine Crowley in relation to PT8MH137Download
Submission.pdfSubmissionFrom: Patrick Burke in relation to PT8MH137Download
Submission.pdfSubmissionFrom: Cllr Stephen McKee in relation to PT8MH137Download
roadworks_castlemartin_green.pdfSubmissionSubmission Document From: Amy Rogers in relation to PT8MH137Download
Submission.pdfSubmissionFrom: James Johnson in relation to PT8MH137Download
Submission.pdfSubmissionFrom: Eoin Scanlon in relation to PT8MH137Download
SiteNotice_SIGNED.pdfSite NoticeDownload
NewspaperNotice.pdfNewspaper NoticeDownload
EMCF_MCC-JAC-HML-ZZ-DR-CR-0016.pdfSite layout planDownload
EMCF_MCC-JAC-HML-ZZ-DR-CR-0015.pdfSite layout planDownload
EMCF_MCC-JAC-HML-ZZ-DR-CR-0014.pdfSite layout planDownload
EMCF_MCC-JAC-HML-ZZ-DR-CR-0013.pdfSite layout planDownload
EMCF_MCC-JAC-HML-ZZ-DR-CR-0012.pdfSite layout planDownload
EMCF_MCC-JAC-HML-ZZ-DR-CR-0011.pdfSite layout planDownload
EMCF_MCC-JAC-HML-ZZ-DR-CR-0010.pdfSite layout planDownload
Bettystown Part 8 Planning Report F02.pdfApplication - Cover LetterDownload
East Meath Cycle Facilities - AA Screening.pdfAppropriate Assessment Screening ReportDownload
EIA Screening Report_Bettystown.pdfEIARDownload